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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Friday, January 30, 2009

Are you kidding me!?

This past Wednesday the United States House of Representatives passed the Stimulus package to the Senate in an attempt to get us out of the crisis we are in.  The bill passed by a 244-188 vote.  11 Democrats voted against the bill and 177 Republicans voted against it.  Not one single Republican voted for it.  Not one!

I am no politician.  To be honest i didn't even start paying attention, in depth, until President Obama declared he was running 2 years ago.  But people let's get real!!!  You are not in High School.  You are not immature men or women who are not going to vote someone Prom Queen/King because they went down on your lover last week during halftime of the season ending football game.

This is reality!  Real people are losing their jobs!  Children are sick!  Their parents are wondering how they are going to pay the medical bills that will attempt to heal their children!  Ignorant people who were taken advantage of are having their homes foreclosed because they had no idea what an ARM was.  I can go on and on with the issues, domestically and internationally, that are plaguing our country.

Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, Green Party members, get one thing straight!  Something has to be done.  No one knows if this package is going to stop the bleeding and send us on our way to recovery.  But it is a huge attempt!  President Obama has offered to listen and soak in any suggestions that anyone will throw his way.  He has been in office for about 10 days and has met with the House Republicans to listen to their suggestions.  The prior President was in office for 8 years, 8 years mind you, and met with House Democrats 2 times. 

He is making an effort.  There is no doubt he is.  It is not his fault he was left with a shit hole of a situation to try and get us out of.  If the Republicans are not going to even attempt to work with him they are shooting themselves in the foot. 

This is already leading President Obama towards a second term.  They won't even attempt to play ball even though they have owned the field for the past 8 years.  They think Sassy Sara from Wasilla will have a chance of running in 4 years.  Who are they kidding?  If they do not attempt to look as if they are willing to do something to right this ship we will see a new record being set.

Fuck Nixon 49 - McGovern 1.

Obama 50 - Palin 0.

Who knows if what he is attempting to do will bring about change.  Remember, 244 Democrats voted yes,  177 Republicans voted no.  Isn't attempting to do something better then doing nothing at all.


JokeyJokemaker316 said...

Can't read into the final results, look in depth to the results. 50M going to endowments for arts. Arent artists commonly referred to as "Starving?" There is also about 100M for golf courses, if you can pay the greens fees for golf, you don't need my 100M.

I doubt there will ever be a bill that will pass unanimously, but there sould be more checks and balances in place to steer the stimulus package. We need to be able to give some money, and then step back to see if its working, or if its a moneypit. For that simmple reason, I would vote "No," and risk your ire. Obama just basically copied the Bush plan that he criticized to this point, a second term seems really far off, but if he fixes stuff, i will be first in line.

PS, Obama is already like Clinton, his scumbag brother just got pinhched for weed posession!


iz3y! said...

I hate politicians and people who follow politics because it is just a reason to be hypocritical know-it-all asshole. Fancy lawyer speak does not cover up an asshole.

Who cares about what was done before, if right now it is needed. I hope our leaders are more responsible and mature than a fucking High Schooler...but then again...

strawberrykiss said...

i, for one, care very much about what was done before being that a country runs continuously and does not get a clean slate with a new elected leader.