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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Capitalism--it's more than just an economic theory, it's a way of life!

I decided to delve into one of the deepest Latino minds I know personally (shout out to jokeyjokemaker316!) by posing this question: How does one born in Chicago where the democratic party reigns supreme end up a Republican, despite being a Latino.  I got the usual answers I get from all my Republican friends about how the Party values hard work (survival of the fittest) and the freaks are less scandalous and how Republicans believe the role of government isn't to babysit (I'm paraphrasing of course).  I didn't defend or chastise but I did question and pose counter statements (ex. governments fuck up no matter who's in charge).  Overall I got a better understanding of why one man spews bile in the direction of Democrats.  But in my role to drop knowledge I'm here to tell you this: the two party system doesn't work.  What we practice isn't democracy, it's Capitalism.  While one is supposed to be a political theory and the other an economic theory, in reality Capitalism has become a way of life.  This is why there are Islamic extremists that want to blow us to bits.  Much like Islam or Judaism is a way of life, Capitalism has become a way of life for America.  America's constitution calls for an exclusive relationship between religion and all things government.  But our government has established a religion--it's called the Free Market System. 

Here's where I side with our recently ousted Governor.  EVERYTHING in America is for sale.  You can't get something for nothing, even in your most intimate relationships.  The free market system has invaded religion, sex, even charitable giving.  You give a donation, you get a tax break.  We INCENTIVIZE giving because otherwise people wouldn't give.  You can buy organs and even contract with someone to have a child.  Capitalism is our way of life.

Christianity is more of a convenience for America--it's used when it serves a particular purpose.  Listen to the radio on Sunday morning.  You'll have preachers claiming that they will pray for you--if you send in a particular amount of money.  T.D. Jakes will tell you how to make your life better--if you pay for the conference, buy the book and get the CDs.

This is why the two party system does not work.  America's choices are limited to two individuals and the winner is who does the best sales job.  After the shit Ryan pulled, Illinois bought Blago's snake oil.  Obama was a better pitch man than McCain; Bush a better one than both Gore and Kerry (which I'm not sure is a compliment to Bush so much as a dig at Gore and Kerry).  This sales job is so successful because most of the country isn't very bright.  People aren't able to separate fiscal conservatism with societal liberalism.  "He's dumb as a box of rocks and will force the country to go broke by cutting taxes, but he's against gay marriage and I'll be damned if those faggots will get married on my watch!" (said in my best redneck voice).

So since it's broke, how do we fix it?  First we need to understand the idea of Capitalism.  The free-market shouldn't rule all.  It should rule the marketplace.  Our world has become the marketplace, thanks in part to the Internet.  As much as the Internet makes free, if there is high enough demand for it, there will be a cost.  And there are certain things that do not belong in the marketplace.  Real, personal and intellectual property, yes.  Each of us contributing to this blog owns a copyright in our individually created works and if we chose instead to sell our work rather that publish it on the web, that is completely fair and okay by me.  Religion, wombs, organs, and opportunity do not belong in the marketplace.  Some things designed for the improvement of human life simply should not be sold.

Next we need to understand the role of government.  The role of government isn't to babysit.  However it is the role of government to lay the proper foundation to ensure all of its citizens are equal and establish laws to treat them equally.  The government should create a framework within which the people take responsibility for the people.  What does that mean?  It means that rich, poor, Black, white, brown, yellow, tall, short, skinny, fat, skilled or unskilled are all the same in the eyes of the law.  What makes you different shouldn't matter to the government and you shouldn't get special treatment because of your differences.  The people should take it upon themselves to insure that the disadvantaged and disenfranchised are taken care of.  In America we don't always have that, so the government steps in.  This shouldn't be.  No one agrees with welfare until they need it.  But the people have a social responsibility to get together and provide for those sitting in a hole, especially if the reason they are in the hole is not of their own doing (they're disabled, discriminated against, etc.)  It is NOT the role of government to bail out mismanaged companies.  The government should not have to bribe companies into creating jobs (tax cuts); the wealthy have a social responsibility to employ those in search of and with a desire to work.

Our elected officials should not be sales people.  Currently they sell themselves to the electorate.  Then they sell their votes to lobbyists of companies and organizations looking to get money or favor.  This simply cannot be.  The only incentive of our elected leaders should be the conditions of our people.  Blago surely is and was a shady mo-fo.  But consider this: every child in our state can get health insurance.  I certainly understand survival of the fittest, but do we want to punish the children with unfit parents by not giving them basic health coverage?  Or means to get food?  How about housing or clothes?  

There are simply things that cannot be left to the free-market system to take care of.  There has to be something else, because what we have doesn't work.  We need to change our way of life.

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