Shout OUT!

HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Joy and sunshine and rain!

I originally began working on this after my EPIC: "50 signs that you should run from that BITCH/ASSHOLE!!!" Again, this was reader driven but this time, we show you the sunshine after the storm. Anyway, enjoy and share your moments with the world, because HOPE is a powerful thing.

change #1: u unlock ur phone because it is no longer under NAZI rule

change #2: you say you are going out, without thinking of a 30 min proposal defending your position

change #3: u drink because you want to have fun, not to drown out the buzzing telephone

change #4: u start doing things U like to do and amazingly it feels good

change #5: ur friends in psycho relationships hate u...and u look at them like animals in a cage at the pet adoption agency...hoping to save at least one

change #6: u frame the restraining order.

change #7: u take 911 out of your speed dial, and dont readily know Police officers first names anymore.

change #8: u stop having to explain bizarre behavior to your family...and enjoy the people who mean the most in life

change #9: u get appreciated for the stuff you do, and are no longer the bane of someone's existence

change #10: your clothing is no longer subject to inspection

change #11: Your friends and family no longer are subject to a ranking system (ie. "you always put your friends/family ahead of me!")

change #12: You realize those weren't strange hateful thoughts in ur head. It was that psycho not shutting the fuck up long enough to hear urself.

change #13: ur no longer ashamed to go out in public.

Now someone pass me another Delirium and the remote...

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