Shout OUT!

HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Some days u don't...

some days u laugh,some days u don't...

Some days u cry,some days u don't...

Basically what do you do with the days when u 'don't'? Ever add them up and wonder, how you spent all those days doing nothing. It is like an endless road to nowhere that u see in the movies, with storm clouds and lighting terminating one end, and the other leading to the horizon. There you are stuck in the middle, looking at each end, wanting to race from one to other, but just standing there.

Why ever run to the rain?Maybe because the rain will feel good washing over ur face. So u lean a little that way, and let it trickle down ur face, and then u run back, and just hope you didnt go to far into that storm. I feel like we spend way too much running into that storm exploring our masochistic side. I mean, it took no arm twisting to get 50 signs that you should run from that bitch/asshole. Despite people always saying they would never do that to themselves, they do. We all do. Probably has something to do with ego, or just because we want the challenge, or maybe we are just afraid and dont have the strength to move. Despite, knowing there is a sunny end, sometimes we don't run to it, we just stand there, in the middle, until that middle is buried under rain, getting pounded by hail.

The bright side is that the sun is there...just mere steps away. So pick urself up, and start walking. Believe that the journey is short and it is, or stay your ass under that torment. Take that abuse, and begin to believe that the cloud will never leave u. Fight for your right to party, or just continue to stay your ass at home and pretend that i will change on its own. Your in the middle of the road, and u better start running...

Damn, went existential again.


1 comment:

strawberrykiss said...

too sentimental to be existentialist. whatever you do, it doesn't really matter. i agree we all have masochistic tendencies, and have trouble deciding which road to take occasionally...but life is long. very very long, and there's time to walk down several roads, and come back. of course it gets complicated when you involve other poeple (and of course you will) and have children and others depend on you to know what you're doing. i don't empirically know that, but rationally, i think i'm right on. so for now, i guess let's all read a little Camus and hope we are better off for it.