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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

2008, what happened?

Did 2008 seem like a blur to you?

I like to take a look back at the end of the year, to take note of accomplishes, impediments, misdemeanors, etc. and I found it very difficult this time. It seemed much like a Benny Hill chase scene, without the English girls who can’t manage to keep their clothes on. Anyhoo, I hope this inspires you to take a look back at your year.

This year has certainly been a turbulent one for me. It was speckled with some heartache and some lowlights, but I am glad to say, I survived and got some insight into life and a glimpse as to my own strength.
In the spirit of staying positive, following are some highlights.

- Animal Collective and Wu Tang (members) at Pitchfork
- Singing California Love karaoke style in Barcelona
- Joanna Newsome performing with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra

Travel (international)
10 days in Spain and Italy
  • Crypto di Cappuccino, a church decorated with monks’ bones… intensely creepy and equally awesome
  • Swimming in the Mediterranean Sea
  • Discovering the architect Gaud

11 days in Costa Rica

  • Feeding monkeys while kayaking in a mangrove
  • Swimming in the Pacific Ocean
  • Listening to and watching lava rocks come out of the volcano Arenal

I did not go out very much this year since splitting most of my time between Chicago and Bloomington (also referred to, by me, as the depths of hell). In the midst of that, however, I did manage to meet some interesting people:

Table: Costarricense martial arts playboy who loves salsa and hangs out on the beach all day

Fran: Basque guide in Europe who knows the history of everything and walks in front of cars

Peruvian Terrorist: Serious looking man among a group of charming people at a poetry reading and after-party. Did I mention I am the muse to some of the poems read? I am.

L.H.: A strange and lovely woman I met at a wedding in Indiana, who I must have known in a past life because I told her about this weird whale fascination that I had never told anyone before.

Another very interesting person turned out to be my new BFF, Oren. He, unfortunately, lives in Indiana but was integral in making this year a good year for me. Not only did I call his references and run a background check to gauge his potential, but he proved worthy of his position when he came up to be with me during a very trying time in the hospital. We have had lots of fun together and it is rare to feel that someone can appreciate my humor, ideas, and sensibilities as well as he does…I am forever in debt to his generosity.

Also, I am ecstatic to say I have met with my Book Club and they are an amazing group of attractive, successful, and intelligent Latinas who are full of good vibes. I have read 14 books this year, which is no easy feat since I also watched over 75 movies.

I did not get a raise this year, other than the standard State job raise of 3%, and will hit the 2 year mark as Program Coordinator in April.

I realize this recap is somewhat scattered…a true reflection of my rollercoaster year. To let you in on some of the details I’m sure you’re dying to know, here’s a brief Best Of section.

Best Find
Trader Joe’s wine section

Best Compliment
“You’re too nice to be the first born.”

Best New Drug
I don’t know what you’re talking about. (read: shrooms)

Best New Record
A signed copy of Manu Chao’s Radiolina double album on vinyl

Best New Museum Visited
The IMA in Indianapolis

Best New Past-time
Shooting at a gun range

Best Coitally Interesting Location
Suspension bridge in Pontiac, Il

Best Improvement Since 2007
Only 3 bridges burnt (previously, 8)

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