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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Things I think I think

hello evildoers,

     It is I, THE Jokeyjokemaker, here with a new batch of thoughts to get you through the cold days ahead.

1) Tow truck companies suck.  if you own a company, work for a company, or know of one, then not only do i wish you ill will, but i would like to extend a hearty fuck you too.

2)  The San Diego Football Chargers are like the Chicago Cubs, in that so much is expected of them every year, and every year, they fail in spectacular fashion to deliver on the promise.  I mean its like every marky Mark Whalberg movie role.  Wether it be bank robber, boxer, stalker, wannabe dectective, he sucks in all of them.  His best role, taking into account he role he plays in "The FIGHTER" is still the crazy stalker in FEAR.  "JUST LET ME IN THE HOUSE!"

3) Jimmy is a horrible shell of a man

4) Danny Gaona enjoys drinking shitty beer

5)  My new job is very stressful, and very rewarding.  If I can get it to where it needs to be, i will have created 1000+ jobs in the first year.  Take that OBAMA.  Sorry, I apoligize. Lets grab a beer and have a dialogue.  No?  C'mon.  Later?   No, I need definite answers.  Talk to Biden?  NO!   JUST LET ME IN THE HOUSE!

6)  The New York Yankees are learning that the chance to be an asshole, live in the same city as the new york mets, and the highest contract offer do not always mean you will land your man.  I bet Jay-z and Alicia keys wont have a song about that hit the charts anytime soon. 

7)  We need to Invade Canada or some shit because these 40 dollar gas fill ups are killing me. 

8)  Obama needs to met me in the house

9)  The DREAM Act will not pass because that eliminates a scapegoat that Dems and Rep's can blame for society's ills.

10)  I will be joining the green party, and working to extend citizenship contracts printed with vegetable dyes on recycleable paper to anyone who is so determined to become an American that they would fight our bullshit wars, brave our daunting school system, or perform thousands of hours of community service just for the CHANCE to be an American.  

11)  After a long layoff, i still got the magic touch

12)  I also still have the magic stick

13)  You should write your local congressperson, and urge them to tell Obama to let me in the house.



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