Shout OUT!

HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Friday, December 17, 2010


It is XMAS season and I hope all of you are enjoying it with your fam and friends. We here at Fourwinds thank you once again for reading our blog, and laughing at Jokey's jokes. That man has put hundreds of hours in the lab to create some fine bathroom material.

Some tips for you for this loving giving season.
  • If you didnt get what you wanted, and you are over 10 years old...please do the right thing and thank the person and DISCREETLY return the gift with some excuse like "it didnt fit" or "i had one already". If you do otherwise you are open to a punch in the face. There is no need to act like a brat no matter rich or baller you think you are!
  • the best gifts are the ones people like. If they pick out an ugly shirt, get them the ugly shirt or a gift card to the store that sells that piece of shit. Do not try to impress your ideas of fashion on people because chances are you they will have to perform step one above or punch you in the face!
  • Your kid believe in Santa Claus until he/she tells u they don't. Quit asking them if they believe in hopes they tell you they dont so you can finally get credit for spending paychecks to get Japanese robots they wont play with in a month.
  • If for some reason you dont like your inlaws...suck it up and act like an adult. Show some grace, flair, and aplomb. Pretend you have more acting talent than Mark Wahlberg and act like you are having a good time. Here is a know how happy your spouse is at your family's house...that shit is an act. Learn!
  • Do not drink copious amounts of alcohol if you cannot control your mouth, bowels, or rage. No one needs to see you pissing on the presents an smashing the tree all because you believe that Xmas is nothing but a commercialized socialist project designed to make you buy shit you dont want.
Above all, have a great time. This is XMAS and no matter what you should enjoy it. Share the holidays with your fam and friends. Raise a glass or two and remember that the Romans moved the birthday of Christ to this day so that Pagans wouldnt be able to celebrate debaucherously in peace. Or you can just enjoy all those awesome gifts with your super cool in-laws while drinking copious amounts of alcohol.

MERRY XMAS my people


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