Shout OUT!

HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Friday, December 17, 2010

when keeping it real....

So it has been way too damn long since i have written anything for this blog. My account was almost deactivated from lack of use and this place was just that close to falling solely under Jokey reign. Trust unbridled Jokey is good for no one. His personalities would multiply faster than a welfare mom's kids, or that white chick Kate Gosselin and who the hell knows how that would end up.

what woke me up you ask? Oh you didnt ask? I dont care, because I am going to tell you anyway. It was being called out by Jokey...and it wasnt so much that he called me out, as it was that he was writing my columns. Sure, he renamed it from the RANT VOL, but I got it. It was time for me to I thank you Jokey. (he is clearly still pissed about Bucky!!!)

So what has kept me away? Simply, i couldnt write what i wanted to. I felt too much of me was being scrutinized on here and so i had to censor myself. I had to make the columns about something else, and that doesnt work for a loudmouth like me. I need to spit real shit, or atleast whatever i feel is real. That quite simply is hard to do when people use it courts of law. I felt like any rapper pleading to the courts that despite their album being called "Fuck the white pigs" that they actually liked the police.

Well now, i dont care. I am tired of people going around unchecked and you know who you are! Yeah...this bastard is back! So, is some shit I dont give a shit about....

  • Mancow...overrated..overhyped, and shitty version of Stern

  • ESPN's habit of killing Favre at every turn, then as soon as he misses a game the love fest that ensued. It was nuts. Make up your minds. They acted like a certain psychotic ex that i once had. They are one rabbit and some boiling water away...

  • nonIPHONEs...if ur shit was any good you wouldnt have to keep mentioning the iPhone. Droid these nuts you plastic pieces of shit

Things I am really respecting right now:

  • Chicago Wind...will get its own blog

  • Derrick Rose's crossover/ and video coming


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