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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Questions i need to ask!!!

I want to thank the Chooch Punisher for guest blogging this week, but i have many questions i need to ask and maybe he can answer some of them, maybe i can get you guys out there to answer we go:

  • Why the fuck do people waste time dating stupid people?
    I am talking about the woman who takes shit from her deadbeat overweight boyfriend about her appearance. He cant walk 14 steps without gasping, but he is concerned with her appearance [clothes, makeup, weight]. She is all of a sudden a whore because she is wearing the same clothes that attracted this Jabba the Hut, but now another guy might find her attractive. So yeah, treat her like shit, lock her up, beat her down and i am sure she will appreciate ur effort or chop ur dick off and fling it out of a window one day.
    Then you got the crazy women who get all up in their man's business because HE MIGHT CHEAT ON HER IF SHE DIDNT! Hey quick wake up call...if u jail a person for murder he didnt commit, he is going to want to kill someone! So dont get all fucking flabbergasted when u get the pink slip in the mail telling u that ur services are no longer needed.

  • This one is for the Chooch Punisher....How long should u wait before u punish another chooch?
    I was reading a book called "I hope they serve beer in hell" and one story in particular stuck with me. This guy was chillin in his apartment and this girl called him up and told him she needed a 'protein shake' before her big date with this guy she just met. So, he wasnt doing shit and invited her over. she arrives, and quickly, goes to town on him...DOWN TOWN!!! She finishes, rolls out and heads off to the date. The guy sits in his crib, and is laughing because he can only imagine how the rest of the night is going to play out for that schmuck on the date. Imagine if u will the moment when she kisses her date, and well, the garlic sauce isnt the only residue she might have on her lips. Then something strange occurred to him...HOW MANY TIMES HAS THAT HAPPENED TO HIM?!?!?! So he calls his friend, a girl, and recaps the events. The girl dies laughing and tells him, "what u thought u were special or something?"

  • So if i play Ginuwine, do people still go nuts and say stuff like, "that's my shit!"?
  • I could never take that muthafucka serious. I mean really, you gremlin looking bastard, you get people in the mood? Give me Marvin or Portishead. YEAH I SAID PORTISHEAD!!! So what is it, that gets people doing what they have to do? Freestyle joints? Al green? What is the most effective joint or is there one? Ladies, does hearing that frog faced Jodeci still work? Remember back in the day the immortal mix tapes...what do we have now? Ipod Playlists called Playtime or what not.

  • Can a bad guy/girl turn good like a good guy/girl turn bad?
    We know the stories. The guy/girl meets the 'ONE' at a bar/club/church/library/strip club and immediately is impressed with their style/vibe/GAME! So they give in and at some ponit get their heart ripped out and trampled on when they realize they just fell for it. The pain is so deep that they become bitter, angry, and REAL HORNY! Now can this work in reverse? Can a person hurt bad and be floating down the river of FUCKEDUP, come back? Shit, does it just take a big event to do it. Near death? Baby? Fresh new pair of Jordans? We seriously need to get a collective hug network going because i have one too many friends who need one. I am sure this is why people date that bad guy/girl hoping they will be the one who sheds the light on them and transforms them.

  • Is game really game or a manifestation of one's true self stripped of doubt and fronts?
    Deep right...actually here is my real observation of this so called game. Everyone loves the chase and people really crave attention. They crave it like a fat kid loves cake, and Paris Hilton loves seeing herself in night vision. So the master of game manipulates that attention like someone controlling the flow of water through a faucet. Watch the movie Casino and in particular the 'Game' of the James Woods's character. This total deadbeat completely manipulates Sharon Stone, despite her being this well connected, gorgeous woman. So to you gold diggers/players out there...I salute u, and I really hope you have life insurance, because karma is a bitch. For the those of u lacking game, suck it up and develop a personality for God's sake. Confidence or GHB are ur surest bets to 'meating' people.

So lets get to work on these and add your comments...I love studying human nature. We are wildly more entertaining than those fucking penguins!

completely clueless know it all

Stealers Wheel - Stuck in the Middle with you

1 comment:

Sho-Nuff said...

Can't answer the first question, but as far as how long one should wait before punishing another chooch, a gentleman allows for at least 24 hours between punishing the chooches of two different ladies.

The music is what get's people to say "that's my shit" not so much the artist.

You can never turn a ho into a housewife, and you can never turn a playa into a gentleman. That's all I have to say about number 4.