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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

FLY TIMES 2nd Edition

Ok, so maybe it is the altitude getting to me, but here goes my 2nd edition of FLY TIMES.

SOUTHWEST: I still heart Airtran, but I have to respect how Southwest rolls. They are the low key pimp on the corner who has hoes that are not quite as pretty, but still get the job done and charge way less. Like there is always a line on that strip because you know, if u get there early, you will get a good one, and u will be on ur way in no time. This pimp doesn’t charge extra for shit, and every service is included. The bigger pimps like United and American completely hate his ass because he is straight hustling in their face, and you know what…I just have mad respect for your game player!

“I be loving you, that way u want me to….but the vibe is wrong”: Look we all know what it is like when u break up with someone. It sux, it rips ur heart out. Your relieved, your devastated. Part of u is free and part is wondering, “ wow, how did I fuck this up?” You seek comfort in others, or just in urself, sometimes both and u have a full blown orgy on your hands. WHATEVER!!! My point is, turn ur phone off. Don’t go near a microphone, stay away from your blog spot, don’t call the other person’s family and friends… whatever you do, do not have a record of this pain. DO NOT COME OUT WITH AN ALBUM ABOUT IT. Do not post it up. Do not text it to others. Next million dollar idea is a service u can text, email, or call that will allow u to spout off all ur heartache, joy, pain, confusion, and ridiculous KGB suspicions, and give u nothing back but a recorded message that says...”look, you’re good enough, smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like you.” CLICK! Listening to KWest’s first albums and then comparing it to this latest compilation of crap almost makes me want to call him and just make sure he will be alright.

Being a Parent means ur a super sleuth: You ever wonder how your parents would always know what you were up to? Mine were like mind readers, but you know what if I really wanted to, I would get over on them. I would craft the nice story of being at practice, which I was, but maybe I left out that extra hour I was there because I was talking to that cute girl from another HS. Maybe I went to a party or two with my friends, but the real reason was..well yes, that cute from the other HS. Still, I always thought I was the slickest until now. Yeah, right the hell now. See, I can’t lie to my parents because they are actually involved parents. They raised me, saw my game develop, my intellect and whatnot. So, I am now whole-heartedly convinced I didn’t get over with shit! Why, did I just come to this realization? Because I have the lilMAN in my life and watching him, I can see him thinking of ways to get over on me. I tell him not to play with my stereo, which by the way I put conveniently at eye level for him, and he puts his toy on top of it. Then he will shoot me a look that says, “hey, I am not playing with ur stereo, I just want my toy, and these buttons and knobs are in the way.” When this cat gets older, I just I hope I do as good a job as my parents did faking like I will fell for his lame ass lies.

Tips and tricks that will save ur life:
  • Sure fire remedy for a hangover is not to drink
  • people only will bug you for as long as you pay attention to them
  • in order to succeed, u cant fear failing. U should do all u can to avoid it, but u cant fear it
  • being funny is awesome
  • learn to dance, even if it is just that one dance move side to side
  • dumb people cant be reasoned with, so don’t try
  • surround urself with people who have no issue telling u ur acting like a bitch/pussy/asshole/dick, just make sure u really are acting like one of the above.
  • U don’t need an upscale club to have a good time. U need people and a personality, if u have neither, go to an upscale club and meet more people like u
  • Say hi to a stranger. Just fucking do it, don’t worry about shit else


Contol I’m here – Nitzer Ebb

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