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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Because a comment wouldn't do this justice...

One of our own included the following in a blog post recently:

Guess what? We are America, people hate us because we have freedom. people hate us because our forefathers shed their fucking blood and guts for that freedom, and they look at themselves and they know that deep down, they are cowards. The do not have freedom because they are cowards, and instead of doing something about it, they smear and hate those with the courage and freedom they WISH they had a sliver of.

Now I wasn't really offended per se.  At least not by what was said.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  The problem is a mistake of fact--particularly on why people hate America.

People hate America because we are and always have been hypocrites.  America preaches freedom yet enslaved a race of people for hundreds of years.  And then when America said they were free, treated them like dogs.  We support dictators until they are of no use to us.  We advocate peace yet supply arms around the world.  We're the country that says 16 year olds are old enough to drive, but not vote or get abortions.  18 year olds are old enough to go fight our wars, but not drink.  America is the same country that believes there are several fundamental rights--but education isn't one of them--yet it's okay for the state to say you HAVE to go to school until you're 18.  We have separation of church and state yet deny people of the same sex to get married (as if the two weren't related in any way).  We're friends with India and hate on Pakistan yet India is the reason Pakistan exists and the treatment of Muslim Indians (i.e. Pakistanis) by India is partially why people randomly blow up shit in the name of Allah there.

People hate America because America preaches freedom, yet freedom must be OUR way.  America has become and continues to be the largest imperial force on the planet.  We have military bases all over the world to "protect our interests."  It's why we're so buddy buddy with Israel--not because we honestly believe in Zion, but because it's right smack dab in the middle of a vast oil supply, and we'll be damned if we let the Muslims control it all.

People hate America not because it was founded on the blood of our forefathers, but on the blood of the natives it was stolen from and the backs of the slaves and immigrants.  We're the same country that hates on Hitler yet put Japanese AMERICANS in concentration camps.  We're the creators of the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act that allows the Feds to arrest AMERICANS and hold them without charging them, seeing a lawyer or even have a judge call their name to appear in court.

People hate America because we believe in the right of the people to choose, yet when the people do choose we try as hard as possible to interfere (see Iraq and Palestinian elections).  It's why we have the electoral college.

This is why people hate America and want to threaten our way of life.  The ways of the haters surely are not excusable but they are understandable.  When you look at America throughout history up until now, the only other force in the history of the planet that even comes close to its shadiness is the Catholic church (and don't even get me started on them).  Yes some Muslim guys hijacked some planes and killed thousands of innocent civilians.  But before that we sold nerve gas to Iraq (which was used against innocent people), supplied Israel with weapons to keep non-Jewish Arabs in check (used to kill innocent Palestinians) and replaced leaders loved by the people with puppets that had our "interests" in mind.  They don't hate our freedom.  They hate the costs everyone else pays for our freedom.

1 comment:

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

fuck all that, they hate us because they are gutless cowards. I see the Obama strategy of lowering himself, and as an extension the USA, to cowtow to others ideas of what we SHOULD BE. I'm just saying if someone handed me a book on the history of whatever the fuck, I woud be like "Yeah, i read that shit, i especially like the part where the communist dies at the end," and stone-cold stunned him where he stood.