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Monday, April 27, 2009

Ask the Chooch Punisher, Guest Commentator

hello evil-doers,

I, THE Chooch Punisher, have been asked to make a guest appearance on the four winds blog. After waving my usual guest-fee, and signing all the necessary waiver forms, I have come to answer your most pressing questions.

"Dear chooch punisher,
This weekend I was reminded of the "boob to ass ratio" and was wondering what is the perfect ratio? Can this be achieved naturally or is enhancement necessary?"

The answer my friends, is scientific. There is In mathematics and the arts, a concept commonly referr3d to as the GOLDEN MEAN. When two mumbers have a ratio between the larger one and the smaller approaching approximately 1.6180339887. This ratio is commonmy expressed in terms of a golden rectangle. in which the ratio of the longer side to the shorter is the golden ratio—believing this proportion to be aesthetically pleasing. Mathematicians have studied the golden ratio because of its unique and interesting properties.

This ratio can be found in great architecture (The Louvre), paintings(Mona Lisa), hot chicks (Angelina lips to face, Pam Anderson's boob-to-butt ratio, Monica Belluci Butt-to-petite body). It is thought to be the most perfectly symmetrical ratio the human eye can distinguish without the aid of laser beams or electron-powered microscopes. So, yes, there exists a perfect balance of boob-to-butt, and its the Golden Mean. NOTE: this all depends on whether you are a boob-man, or a butt-man. Ladies, this mean is most commonly expressed in male biceps, buttocks, and v-shaped torso-to-belly ratio.

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