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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I fear for the safety of the United States of America


As you read this, there are already attempts to squelch information about a terrorist plot in NYC today. Spectators in Battery Park, New York took frightening footage of a 747 plane being followed by 2 F16 fighter jets. Mayor Bloomberg came on TV and said he was alerted to "US Air Force maneuvers" in NYC. The 747 flew past the site of the World Trade Center, and all around the financial district.

I feel that this is a bold-faced lie, and this was in fact a terrorist attempt that was foiled. I believe that if it were maneuvers they would not have used a regular 747. I believe that a hostage situation was quited by our government, and spun by the media into something to keep citizens from panicking. The story has already been dumbed-down in favor of a story about Michelle Obama saying something to someone at some time that is undetermined. I feel that this is the first attempt to test Barack Obama and see how he would lead our nation in time of war. The response was one of cowardice, and that fact that they gave us some bullshit excuse like "maneuvers," only shows how ill-prepared the US is to keep another 9/11 from happening. "You mean to tell me that despite waiting 2 hours, getting naked-searched, and fucking keeping my nail clippers/3 oz. water/2 oz. toothpaste to a minimum, a God-Damned plane flew within 100 yds of the financial district AGAIN?"

Don't you ever assume barry soetero, that i will buy whatever line of shit you are spewing. You are a fat kid, who grew up and wants everyone to like him. Guess what? We are America, people hate us because we have freedom. people hate us because our forefathers shed their fucking blood and guts for that freedom, and they look at themselves and they know that deep down, they are cowards. The do not have freedom because they are cowards, and instead of doing something about it, they smear and hate those with the courage and freedom they WISH they had a sliver of. If this post offends you FUCK YOU. If you like Barry Soetero/Barack Obama, and you feel he is a strong leader, FUCK YOU. If you like Michelle Obama, and you feel she is no way reminds you of Grace Jones, FUCK YOU. If you hate freedom, FUCK YOU. If you believe that the Air Force was out on maneuvers with 2 jets but film only shows one, FUCK YOU. I would have believed it more if they had said they were filming IRON MAN 2.

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