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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

GUILTY...i am almost sure of it

so as not many of u know or care, Barry Bonds is on trial for allegedly lying that he knew he was taking steroids. Yeah, he is on trial for telling the grand jury that he did no knowingly take steroids. Not that he took steroids, because he admitted that, but allegedly lying that he didnt know. Some in the media and other dumb ass yahoos are all up in arms because FINALLY Barry will get his just due punishment. FINALLY WE WILL HAVE JUSTICE....THE AMERICAN PEOPLE DESERVE RESOLUTION!!!!

You know what...we dont care. A poll taken my ESPN showed 70+% of the people dont give a shit, and that was years ago when this was hot. Now, this is just a farce to make a reputation or two for prosecutors who have really nothing else to do.

Barry Bonds is an asshole to the media. Not was, or used to be, but currently to this day is. He doesnt like explaining how he got great. From the time he was born until he started taking athritis cream that made him bigger, faster, stronger, and angrier, he has been GREAT. Barry was born great. He is an XMAN in baseball. A mutant freak of nature that could hit, run, throw and choke in the playoffs. He also was an arrogant short tempered man with the media so they hated him. They couldnt understand why he wasnt nicer to them. Why he didnt appreciate them shoving them microphones in his face to make him a star. Well it probably has something to do with the fact he is an asshole. I have no idea why that matters to anyone, since i only paid to watch him catch a ball! Barry was/is a Hall of a Famer, and always was even before he went all Juggernaut on us. You could hate him if you want, but the truth is, that man is a HALL OF FAMER! Later in his career, it was alleged that he got tired of seeing these no name assholes with a shred of his talent making a mockery of him and his numbers. They were pushing their way into the Hall and robbing tarnishing the luster of what he had done.

Here was this stud watching as 'B' or 'C' level players were putting up game show numbers and fucking with his legacy. Hank Aaron was pissed and Barry was damn right inconsolable! Sammy Sosa was a garbage player since his days with Texas and the White Sox. I was in the stands when the first time Sammy came running out and over the off-season he looked like he swallowed a muscle bound midget. SAMMY WAS HUGE! Guys take notice when another dude gets all swole and this cat was SWOLE! His warm up tosses were hilarious. His smooth powerful arm was replaced by a buff ass grenade launcher. I remember Mark McGuire in Oakland and how beastly he was. RIPPED out of his mind coming out of college. Jose Canseco and Mark would later take turns breaking down because of the 50lbs of muscle they put on unnaturally. Now here he was in a St. Louis uniform hitting bomb after bomb, forgetting they hey might actually want to win a game instead of trying to hit that ball to Chicago. If I saw this all, you best believe Barry did too. He also watched in raging horror as Brady Anderson, Brett boone and the rest of the busted ass ballplayers became titans of the game. They would look at Barry and just smile..."hey, who needs to work hard and be born with talent....we got our own secret!" Washed away were the years spent with his dad Bobby Bonds and his godftaher the great Willie Mays in a stream of HGH fueled injections.

Now, every person in the world with ambitions or a pulse should know what this feels like. You bust ur ass in school, and the rich kid gets by because his parents bought a wing for the school. The kid who eats paste is getting As because he cleverly hid cheat sheets up his sleeves. You max out in the gym and the kid who was smaller than ur little brother is now 30 pounds heavier of pure muscle and speed and there is nothing you can do to catch up. So someone asks you, " do you want to level the playing field? all you need to do is take this "safe/semi-legal/well known supplement" and you are in! If they are getting where they are with their busted ass talent, imagine where you will be!" Fuck all of you who just said u wouldnt do it because you dont believe in "cheating". Just like i am sure u all claim all ur money on ur taxes. You guys I am sure turn in every dollar u have found, and never tell a lie to get you out of trouble. Hell, you old assholes calling for Barry's head are popping Viagra like tick tacks before a hot date.

Well you know what...Barry admitted to taking Steriods. I droned on for fun there, but to cut to the chase, he started off by admitting he took sterioids, he is just claiming he didnt know it at the time. Hell who would really ask or care? The prosecution is now parading people in the court room who hate Barry and who only can testify that the trainer who hooked Barry Bonds up hooked them up. We all know he hooked them up, but they are parading them in there so the jury can say.." did take steroids!!!", which they already know. As for the ex-girlfriend, and ex-business partner, and ex-friend who cared about him so much he began recording conversations with him, well, how fair is that? Would you find it fair if you had to go to court for a crime, and the only witnesses the prosecution could produce are ur ex-gf/wife, ex-friend who was a shady bastard, and dude who wanted u to loan him money all the time? Hell I cant my ex wife to say one nice god damn thing about me as I write her a check every month. I cant even IMAGINE if the FEDS asked her to come testify against me. This is what passes for a trial nowadays!

in short...he took steroids. He admitted to taking them. He was HOF player before he took them. You're an idiot if you're looking for justice because you hate Barry, especially with AROD running around and announcers are still tallying up his homers like he is more deserving of the records and our hearts. Now Roger Clemens...I CANT WAIT FOR THAT.


1 comment:

JokeyJokemaker316 said...