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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Angelina Jolie is the winner

Jennifer Aniston said when explaining why she spent her 41st birthday at a palatial resort in Mexico.
“A friend said to me, ’You come to Mexico all the time and Mexico is really hurting right now because of the swine flu and the drug trafficking and all of this sort of stuff.”
“It sort of made sense to sort of say ‘Hey, let’s help out Mexico’”

Today, CNN is reporting that Angelina Jolie traveled to the Tunisian-Libyan border, where she spoke with refugees who had recently fled the fighting in Libya.

The purpose of Jolie’s visit to the embattled region: to highlight the need for greater international support for those affected by the crisis in Libya.  The Jolie-Pitt Foundation, established by Jolie and longtime love Brad Pitt in 2006, covered the costs for a flight of 177 people to return to their countries of origin– and purchased an ambulance to help support Tunisian efforts on the border to assist the injured arriving from Libya.  Apparently, the Foundation is more than just a tax write-off

Some fat women who wil never be hot still hate Angelina because she “stole” Pitt from Aniston, and never consider that maybe Aniston is just an annoying cunt and he left her for someone who is better in every way. But hey, at least Anniston is over Pitt right?  Aniston has moved on to becoming a blockbuster female movie star right?  Its not like every single movie Aniston does is about love/getting/dumped/finding love again right?
Imagine Aniston in the movie Tomb Raider, Salt, or even Mr and Mrs Smith.  Well, it would be funny to imagine Aniston fussing and brisung her hair out of her eyes as the scene demanded athletic movements and whatnot,  It could actualy work in a Mr. Bean as a secret James Bond type  kind of way.  But inevitably, the movie would have a sappy love sub-polt, and it would suck.  I know, I know Mr. and Mrs Smith has a love subplot too, but it did not get in the way of the movie.  Aniston would have furrowed her brow in a vain attempt to show heartbreak for 40 mins, and its funny because her whole freakin life is heartbreak.  She shoule be teaching this course at MIT or something.  Bottom line, Aniston is known for the "Rachel Hairdo."  Jolie is known for being hot as fuck.  OUCH.  JOLIE WINS, FLAWLESS VICTORY!

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