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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Undeveloped Ideas

Here are a few things I'd like to elaborate into a full on blog, but can't--so I'll just combine them to make this entry.

1. Let me be the 4,003,235,677th person to say it--social networking has ruined humanity. Facebook allows us to get away with not having to keep in touch with each other. We simply check our news feed, like some shit and suddenly we remain friends. On the flip side, if we don't check in with comment on your life, we're suddenly not friends. I'm sorry--I've been kind of busy with my own life. The larger problem is that we're expected to be nosey now thanks to social networking, and people are way too voyeuristic. Makes me want to puke.

2. I realize this could lead to me being ostracized at best, murdered at worst, but ladies (especially Black women) you're not owed anything. You don't deserve X anymore than we deserve Y. At best you deserve respect--beyond that, relax. And since I don't want to repeat myself, read here for why I feel this way.

3. I'm beginning to understand why older people tend to be republicans. Working for the government doesn't help either. The older I get the more I don't believe in government propping up anything. The safety net (i.e. unemployment insurance) is an awesome idea (and technically it's not fully funded by the government--employers pay in in order to help people they can no longer employ). But everything else? Wards of the state get free money until their 21. What does that teach them? That they can always live off the government. So as adults, they work their hardest to try and figure out ways to continue to get that free money. We give aid to families with dependent children--but there's no accountability for how the aid is used. Mostly because we feel the government shouldn't tell people how to raise their children, but our population is getting dumber and dumber (and more selfish but that's an entry of its own) so how can we trust dumb people to make good decisions for their children? You know why Social Security is so messed up? Not because we're about to have a whole generation of people collecting it. Its because there's a whole generation of people collecting that haven't put into it.

Imagine government entitlements (medicare, medicaid, social security) were weed. Let's say you have 9 friends you invite over for a smoke out. All 10 of you put in on this weed. Unfortunately, the other 9 people bring 2 other people with them. These 18 people didn't put in--but still wanna smoke. Or perhaps they NEED to smoke for medicinal purposes. Damn right you're gonna run out quick--you've got 28 people trying to smoke 10 people's worth of weed!

And it's not just individuals. A good portion of our Illinois state budget is funded by the feds. A good portion of various city agency budgets are funded by the state. And the feds get their money from those that work (but not employ) paying income taxes. (Employers have to pay taxes on employees, but get the money back as deductions. Yes your employer claims you as a tax deduction every year to minimize their tax liability). In short, it's all fucked up. People that are actual Republicans (not the right wing blow hards worried about gay marriage calling themselves Republicans) understand and believe this. Meanwhile we're trying to solve the rest of the worlds problems...

The meanest, the prettiest, the baddest mo-fo low-down in this town

1 comment:

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

The link for black women does not follow or even support your claims. Believe me, I know. I speak for the black women of America. I love my soul sisters.

Soul Man