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Monday, March 28, 2011


here is my Sucker Punch review, with my Guest analysts T.G.ED and SMASHli
(my bells refrained to comment due to her upcoming blog site and scheduling conflicts)

STARRING: Emma Browning, Carla Gugino and a bunch of other people

iz3y: I thought the movie was fantastic and fun. If you have a Blu-Ray player, this is the type of movie you have it for. Forget plot points, or character development because honestly, I don't think you will get it the first time around. It is not spelled out like your common movie. This is a graphic novel come to life and that requires you to immerse urself in the scenes and your brain open to imagination. Most people will immediately tune it out because there isnt a shred of realism in the movie, but I challenge that thinking. I think this movie is mostly a visual work of art, but also does have some sliver credence and...well a really good looking cast. We are talking about Carla Cugino people!!! now on to my co-horts!

iz3y: What did u guys think of the movie?
T.G.ED: I suspended belief immediately and didnt go in expecting Shawshank Redemption. That is the key to this sort of movie. Forget plot, acting, or anything. Just roll with it and I loved it. Especially the girls...OWWWW!!!
SMASHli: [translated from text language] Yeah....take that. (she just punched T.G.ED) it was good. I liked the special effects and shooting. No really! Who said this movie sux? Prolly people who hate empowered women or random video game violence!
T.G.ED: yeah see the women were the best! and the fighting. well the women fighting...did i mention the women? [SMASHli smacks him again, but her heart wasnt into it]

SMASHli: OMG T.G.ED. ur such uh....whatevs. i relly likd da story 2. it wuz lIk krzy. not 2 giv 2 much awy but it wuz dEper than u thnk.
iz3y: what the fuck did u just write?
SMASHli: ? oh...the story was much better than it seems. I mean you could cast Leonardo DiCaprio if you want, but it was good. SPOILER: The scenes where the girls imagine themselves performing these ridiculously cool missions in order to forget where they are is awesome. Plus how they wrap it all up with the main twist at the end was fitting and added a little something something. Again, you can easily get lost in all the special effects, but there is a story there.
iz3y: was that so hard to type in the first place?
SMASHli: uhhh yeah..i am on my phone.
iz3y: why are you on your phone? this whole thing is taking place in my head...moving on.
T.G.ED: i think we need to point out...
iz3y/SMASHli: yes...the it!
T.G.ED: just making sure.

iz3y: Another angle or idea that fascinated me, was that this is could have totally been a mere glimpse in the mind of crazy. When you look into the eyes of a crazy person you can see that far away stare and this has to be what they are seeing. I can only imagine how messed up or intricate the their fantasy world is in their heads.
T.G.ED: I just wikipedia'd Crazy people dont see Samurais or have crazy missions killing dead german soldiers. According to WEBMD fits of delusion....[T.G.ED proceeds to quote internet for a solid 30 mintues]
SMASHli: grrr...well i see that in my head all the time. Remember when I had homework? I basically had to kill three zombies and burn down their zombie nest to get it done.
T.G.ED: ...while wearing that baby doll outfit right? I mean...u have to!
SMASHli: yes T.G.ED..with the outfit on
iz3y: uh....SMASH...u did what to do what? What class were you taking?
SMASHli: Ethics in Criminal Justice!

iz3y: as I mentioned at the beginning of this ramble, the Cast was amazing. There are some very pretty women in this movie and that is always a plus. I really admired their acting TalenT.
SMASHli: oh whatevs!
T.G.ED: no really honey. They were good. I couldnt take my eyes off of the screen.
iz3y: It starts with Carla, even with that retarded polish accent and ends Emma Browning and her convincing mental eyes.
iz3y: clearly AMAZING!
SMASHli: Jesus you two!
iz3y: ps...Vanessa Hudgens was in this movie..and you know what...WHO CARES. Remember when people were shoving her and Zach Efron down our throats as the next IT actors? Now she was just a glorified extra in the movie. also congrats to Scott Glenn for picking up where David Carradine left that character of the Wise man hanging.

iz3y: final thoughts...the soundtrack. Really, if you have some time go get this. The songs play an integral role in the movie and as such there is a ton of pressure for them to be awesome and they are. From the remix of the remix of "Army of me" by Bjork to the remixed remix of "We are the champions" by Queen. Visually this movie was filmed in a mix of the Matrix bullet time style, 300's blue screen, and Chicago's flamboyance for colorful makeup and costume.
T.G.ED: i liked the action sequences. Samurais, dragons, zombies, OH MY. It was pretty much my fantasy. Is this Saving Private! but it is Good looking girls in skimpy outfits shooting guns and brandishing swords. I am sure they stole this from my dreams my dreams it is you honey!
SMASHli: damn right it is. I agree with T.G.ED. I loved the action and music. The story line was also good and does deserve a repeat viewing because i know there was stuff hidden in there. Visually, they stepped up their game. It was good and I cant wait to meet them at ComiCON. I am so going in pigtails!
T.G.ED: SCORE!!!! and....
SMASHli: yes i will wear the baby doll outfit...
T.G.ED: and....
SMASHli: the kitana too!

iz3y: so out of 5 stars, a solid 3.5.
Phenomenal visuals that border ludicrous but for anime fans it will feel like home. This is not a realistic movie and does require a boat load of suspended belief but it is an exciting movie that does a great job of making the Graphic Novel come to life. It will also give you a bit of a story line you can fish out, but dont expect Shakespeare.
the visuals will definitely overwhelm you and it a very fast and brief ramp up into the story. You will have to definitely fill in the holes and make assumptions if you want to go down that road. For many, the absence of clearly defined ending will drive them to either watch it again...or just plain nuts!

Bjork and Skunk Anansie - Army of me (Sucker Punch Remix)

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