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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Smarter than your average smart ass

I caught these two fools trippin the other day.  They were making fun of another student for her pro-abortion views.  They were typical in their moral assertion thet religion prevents people like that from going to a better place when they die.  I  had a few minutes to spare, so i decided to see what was going on.  When these two  clowny asses started spouting trite rhetoric, I told them this : Religion is not a gatekeeper for people whose views differ from yours.  Did you know that religion was made by man to answer two question's whose answers  no one may ever find out, "Why are we here? What happens when we die?"  The thought of a pointless or "un-meaningful" life scares people. The people who look beyond religion and see life for what it is are the people that have faith only in themselves and therefor can see themselves as their own god (like John Lennon or Rapper NAS who is a 5 Percenter). For you religious people, look at it from an animals perspective. Animals have no concept of god and live life merely to live. They aren't afraid of death nearly as much as us humans because they don't question it. Do animals go to hell because they can't comprehend what god is? No human can fully comprehend what god really is. Why would an all knowing, all powerful, all loving god let a confused soul banish to hell merely because they questioned his existence due to lack of proof? HE WOULDN'T. I hope you question their perspective a little and become more open to the world around you.  There is no God that is an angry hitman smiting sinners.  Now I'm not saying there isn't a God necessarily, I'm just saying all religion doesn't make sense and somewhere deep down EVERYONE knows it. So what would you rather do: Live your whole life to the standards of other people, or believe in yourself and live life to your own?  If you think like ti do, go check out Ayn Rand and read more about whats really going on. 

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