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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ladies have it made

Just read an interesting article (which can be found here) which breaks down all the problems women are having finding and maintaining long-term relationships. Basically (for those who don't want to or can't read) the article says that successful, attractive women are in greater supply now-a-days than successful attractive men, and as a result, women have to spend their "sexual capital" just to get ATTENTION much less keep a man.

Well I'm here to say bullshit. Women have and always will have one supreme advantage over men: the Sugar Daddy. Sure occasionally a guy can slip, trip and fall his lucky ass into some rich shit, but that's rare. It's much more likely that a girl who has no idea what she wants out of life finds a guy that says "don't worry about it. Do what you want--I'll take care of you."

And herein lies the problem that the aforementioned article misses: successful, attractive men are in short supply because they aren't paring up with successful, attractive women--leaving only the slackers and losers for those rare jewels we call "10s." Instead they're paring up with attractive, women who are mediocre in life. You know the ones--cute face, skinny waist, big breasts, fat rump--but barely finishes anything she starts. These women tend to be more needy emotionally and as a result they end up with a guy who wants to be needed (so long as her attractiveness is socially acceptable of course. Nothing worse than a needy ugly chick).

The real kicker is when these relationships fail, the women are favored in our society. Society suggests it's okay to be attractive and mediocre because that man that promised to take care of you? We'll make sure he follows through, at least until you figure out what you want to do with yourself. And if you have children, we'll make sure those kids are provided for too. You don't worry 'bout a thang sweety--what's his is yours and whats yours is yours.

So don't give me the BS that "it's hard out here for a bitch" as if bitch is the new pimp. Ladies have it made as a whole. And if you don't like what I'm saying talk to your girl--all of you have at least one who fits the mold.

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