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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Friday, March 25, 2011

If i had a dollar for every time....

I heart when people keep making the same mistakes and expect different outcomes. Einstein called it insanity, and i call it a reason to do testing on humans! Serious...we keep testing on monkeys, rats, and goats, but not a worthless piece of shit human who could contribute to our evolution in grander ways than their sorry ass ever could on their own. Please let's repeal the death penalty because killing is wrong, but lord oh lord, lets bomb the fuck out of libya. I am sure we only hit the safe targets where no one was really at.

Hey, i am not saying we return to the Nazi way of medical testing by rounding up the Jews and breaking their legs over and over again until we figure out great way to heal it. I am saying we round up ever degenerate asshole no one will miss and do that shit. Example you say? Well every piece of shit caught murdering confessing to it, or being caught in a bloody pool of blood (for effect i repeated it) should be signed up. Lets conduct a test or two on John Wayne Gacy and see if we cant learn something from that useless piece of shit. I have we not opened up Manson's head to see his brain impulses as he thinks of shit while watching video of Justin Bieber's latest movie.

Did you just call me fucking barbaric? No you're right...we should value his pieve of shit life and continue to pump out unproven meds that later kill or affect millions because they werent properly tested. Yes...lets kill another monkey to prove that we can really kill monkeys in awesome new unthought of ways. Shit, why dont we hire Michael Vick's crew to supervise that shit. Call me what you want, but I believe in evolution u bible thumper and we arent trying. We are making tablets, phones, and TVs better and smarter than we are ourselves. We are creating an unlimited supply of wonder drugs that are killing us and we think it is cool. Nope...not me...lets thin the heard people. Most of those pieces of shit wont even care and the ones that do, arent allowed to.

oh hey...blame all those annoying commercials i have to endure at 1 in the morning about the great side effects peopel endure while taking acne medication for this rant!

"cause sometimes people should contribute to the cause!"

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