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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

iz3y steps into a time machine

Let's tackle a very important issue I am currently facing and see what kind of input I can get from my freaks out there.   Over the last 40 hours I have found many of the people who knew me when I was a snot nosed kid of all of 4'9" tall...Really nothing has changed except I got taller (not much) and fatter (a lil too much).  

So what is the appropriate question to ask these fools?
  • What the Fuck happened to you?
  • How many kids do you have?
  • Why did we think that hairstyle was acceptable?
  • Whatever happened to {fill in blank}?
  • Divorces?
  • Chins?
Seriously, what is the etiquette here?  Is there anyone who is off limits?  Personally I don't care, I love all my people, and if someone can remind you of what you were like or give you a different insight, I say roll with it.  Some people bury the past, I say break out a fucking shovel and dig it out.  Embrace the dumb ass hair style and embarrassing moments because they made you.  Well unless you never grew up, in which case you won't mind me making fun of ur silly ass.  It won't hurt, trust me! 

My Ace in the Hole, Jokey once wrote out his biggest regret and I would always say I had none.  NONE!!!  Was I delusional or just repressing something?  Well over the last 40 hours I can tell you I have had a chance to think about it hard.  While I have none that would keep me from entering heaven I have to say I have a minor one.
-Being a stupid kid at 15 and acting like a drama queen when a girl broke up with me.  I wrote letters, cried, and acted out the whole 80s movie scene.  Shit I even gave myself feelings I didnt have.  From 13-15 I was such a pussy.  Still, from that I developed a real sense of who I was, and what I wanted personally.  While I still made mistakes and whatnot throughout my life when it came to relationships, I feel better off.  My EGO, my arrogance, MY SELF WORTH, was hardened and shaped and it makes me secure in knowing I will always be ok.  Also, I was able to warn my lil siblings on what to look out for and hopefully spare them unnecessary heartache.  So to that girl, my bad...

When looking for my people's from my past I don't care about what I was like, or what I did, or if they still think I am stupid.  I have become the type of cat I CAN BE PROUD of and I hope they have too.  So when I look back for them, I want to see their journey.  I want to count their scars and show them mine.  Exchange stories about what roads we took.  I won't feel better, or worse....maybe just a little more complete.  I might also find a great friend (CHAPIS) that fell away from me as I launched the izcorp! enterprise.  I can also thank people for things they did for me that still stick today, Annie C's older brother = thanks for the nickname!

I really don't have any books to close.  I don't have revenge in my heart because I don't care.  Still there is exactly one person I have left to find, because I gots to know what happened to that dude.  Everyone knows who he is (Tony Ferrell), and hopefully you can help me find him.  If not, screw it, I will just continue on gathering up all the other souls and plan the biggest most awkward party ever.  If you don't think I am gathering up the playlist full of DM, CURE, ERASURE, TOO KOOL CHRIS, and JULIAN JUMPIN PEREZ, then you have no idea who you are dealing with.

So go out...lets see how many people you can find and reconnect with.  I have 40+ hours on you...good luck!

going back to the future

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