Shout OUT!

HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Monday, February 9, 2009

What iz3y learned this last weekend (2/6-2/8)

Very simply, when I get this much knowledge, life, and experience dropped in my lap, I HAVE TO SHARE IT with the world.
  • When you meet 'theORIGINAL' you better have a video camera ready to rock. There will be visual evidence to support what I am about to tell you, but trust me when I say that dude is bad. Who is this? A 40-year old B-boy trapped in the body of a mini cholo! Kid shows up rocking a Carlito's way T-shirt and walked out with our respect, admiration and love. To summarize the night, he did a 'suicide', which is a dance move where u you do a front flip and land on your back. Not feet...BACK!!! In case we forgot, he broke it off again! You will have to see the video.
  • DJ Trancid needs to make more mixes. I am on these mixes as they are serving as my life line to good music. I have the same job for Cratebug. I can't stand any more Weezy or Kanyeezy or Jeezy. Fuck Sneezy too!
  • Drunk dialing is dumb. Just fucking stupid because you say shit you mean, that you would never say if u had half a brain cell working.
  • EAT BEFORE YOU DRINK! i mean this is simple shit, and i cant believe i had to learn it the hard way.
  • Getting your boy a Bags set is cool. Customizing it with his logo...cooler. Putting lights in it...coolest. Making him almost cry when u give it to him...PRICELESS. Thanks Shadez, O, Roly, John Boy, for helping me out with that.
  • You can only change yourself...make sure not to go to far. Ask Michael Jackson what that's like.
  • I don't know Karate, but I do know CA-razy!
  • The World is a small place. Embrace it. Remember all the people you meet in life because one day you might need a place to drink 12 year old whiskey as u drunk dial people!
  • Carrying the weight of the world is not that hard as long as you have friends and family.
  • Shadez got into our group too easy...his time approaches. John Boy got in the rough way, but he won't give us the power to ruin his night.
  • John Boy no longer owns the best dance video, but easily the funniest.
  • Grudges are dumb...
  • Our son has the coolest nightmares, and the worst habit of expressing them by kicking me in the head.
  • A bear doing the robot is no where as impressive as a mini cholo doing a 'suicide'.

Working on my gangsta lean

1 comment:

Anushka said...

Yes...the Original was the shit! I am grateful for having you guys with us celebrating and most grateful for Bonds wonderful gift.. You ALL are the SHIT!