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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Rants Vol IV

I. I want breakdancing to come back as a viable form of battling. You know like in the movies where the rival crews would get all riled up and instead of a gun that one dude would start breakin, then the rival gang would send out one, next thing you know everyone was battling. No guns, no knives, just breakin. Can we bring that back? Can I get a pop and a lock? 'Hey bitch ass, can you do this? [smooth ass fresno is thrown out]" not, 'Hey bitch ass [smooth ass glock is pulled out]" A guy like theORIGINAL (all 5'3" and 125 lbs) would be deadly. Also the names were kooler. No we have Latin Kings and Lil Spooky. Back then, Midnight City Rockers and theORIGINAL. Who can get on this? Barack....

II. Love how my boy, Barack, is on TV all the time. He knows people are hating so like a True SouthSider he is going to be on TV as much as he can. Like a true leader he is going to weigh in on every damn thing. Stimulus package...check. A-Fraud...check. Dude, I got this chicken head who is acting all funny...check. My boy is repping it real hard like a true kid from the CHI! what is the problem? At least he sounds like he knows something. He is just barbershopping it on a grand scale....

III. So what ever happened to Philosophy circles? I mean when did humans decide WE HAD TO AGREE ON EVERYTHING and if you didn't YOU'RE WRONG! There is no more exchanging of ideas...or thoughts. You start talking and people immediately go, you're a [republican/democrat, liberal/conservative, black/white, catholic/muslim/jew/buddhist] and hit the mute button on your ass. So that is it huh? No more learning, no more exploring. Everyone fucking knows everything. Fuck different points of view, just live your little vanilla lifestyle. You know, we dont have menage a trois, or kama sutra without these meetings. We don't discover chocolate or brats without this. Nowadays being American, means everyone else is wrong and should shut up because we are right. I hate this image....can we change it already...the fucking record is scratched and we need new beats...

IV. Lil wayne won a grammy? So there goes that fucking award. I don't care what it was. Best use of electronic voice, or best way to make an ugly gremlin muthafucka look uglier. I don't give a shit because despite liking his beats he should never win shit. Kid creates one usable lyric, 'i am a beast, i am a dog, i am a muthafucking problem, fine ur goon but what's a goon to a goblin' and all of a sudden we are giving him awards. He then proceeds to fuck that line by saying that a goon and a goblin are the same thing. Crackhead...u had something there...shut the fuck up. Serious...just be quiet. Go get another tattoo....

V. Can you ever just get one tattoo? People always say that want another once they get one. Then you have the tramp stamp which took this country by storm and now i look around and i wonder...what is that grandma over there gonna look like? Hey Grandma...who is mike? Does Papa Bill know him? i would be covered in dumb shit like lil weezy if i tried getting a single tattoo. I love the number 13, my son, and a bunch of catholic symbols. I would look more of a fucking idiot than I do now when i wear my ultra hip affliction shirts....

VI. Is it almost time for these things to die down. I like the simpler ones, but some guys are taking it to the next level. I was watching UFC not too long back and some of these shirts are hideous. Remember tribal art? Imagine a huge tribal art thingy all around ur neck and the majority of your shirt like a spastic kid took a magic marker to you. Then imagine four other guys at the same table have your shirt. I mean i like Monarchy and Affliction shirts and own like 3, but come on, you have to know which are the ones you leave at the store. Also, those Ed Hardy ones with like a big ass koi fish or tiger that were 100 a pop...seriously....come on. Who wore that? That's almost as bad as...

VII. Rock Band parties. I got it, it is fun to air guitar and who doesnt like doing that when no one is around. WHEN NO ONE IS AROUND! Read that again. Now, you want to get ur crew together and just rock out...ok. Hell, I would understand if you wanted to karaoke it out at a party for like 5 or 6 songs...fine. But having a party, then ROCK BANDING it out...christ i want to stab someone. Yeah, lets not interact...lets watch five people rock band it. Hell, I understand the appeal to the singer, since they are the star, but the others. Hey guys, we have shots over here, i think you need like 8 of them minium. Sometimes you just need a drink...

VIII. Delirium tremens is a great beer. Miller lite is shit. does it matter when your week has been hell. Drawing that line in the sand to determine what is relieving stress and what is drowning your soul is difficult. You dont want to be whining about ur life to others at a bar, because they are there trying to get their relief on. Then again, maybe they are just listening and discovering that their life is at least not as shitty as yours. I usually go with if i am dancing up on a hot chick and not thinking about anything else..I must be ok. Problem obviously here is the long known side-effect called beer goggles. That chick aint hot!!!!!!

IX. Can I put in a request to skew the 'hotness' barometer back to at least 1980s level? Not the clothes but body styles. Where have the curves gone? Why is someone who is 102 lbs or less considered hot. Why has having an ass a bad thing? DAmn it man, i am tired of toothpick chicks walking by and some fucking frat boy shouting...'DAMN SHE IS HOT!' Naw u blind muthafucka, she is hungry! Step ur fucking game up, no excuses...

X. In general the art of excuses has slipped too. You give a lame ass excuse and just are satisfied with your work. You're half assing it. You already fucked up and here you are fucking up the excuse that is supposed to save you.
  • "This school is racist" [why they couldnt do their homework]
  • "I was busy at work and tired" [almost universal excuse to explain not doing something]
  • "Life is just too hard" [why they couldnt just suck it up and continue living]
People, at least get creative and go around the world with it.
  • "I did my homework, but it was too fucking outstanding and if I had turned it in, your infantile intellect would collapse in on itself"
  • "Yeah work sux and I am dog ass tired, but really, I just dont give a fuck. I feel like giving a fuck is too much work and it is obvious I am not down with that.
  • "You know, i have always wanted to see what heaven looked like as i descened to the depths of hell!"
feeling the love this weekend!!!

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