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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

You Know What Really Grinds My Gears!!!

Sorry to steal your lead in Peter but i had to do it.  Anyways, piece of shit athletes, that's what really grinds my gears.  A-rod can contest this Schweezy fellow for giving Omar the best blow job for all i care.

He's sorry!  My cousin told me about it!  I was scared!  Pussy!

You knew what you were doing.  You were what?  23-24 years old?  If you had no clue what you were doing, you are certainly dumber than you look!  Mysteriously your home runs go up by 20 in one year.  HMMMM!?!??  Between 1997-1998 you increased your home run output by 19. 19! From then on it was swoll city. 

I do not blame him for using the Juice, but i blame him for not being honest.  Bud Selig is a joke!  Between the juicing of the balls, the all star game deciding home field advantage and the steroid problem how is he still in charge?  I do admit, however, that the Wild Card race is amazing and keeps us on our toes until the last day or beyond.  See White Sox '08.  

This was a huge problem and supposedly is under control now.  But the example this sets on kids is ridiculous.  You did roids, who cares?  It was not illegal then so it does not matter.  Ozzie is right.  The current penalty is not strict enough.  Suspensions is not enough.  I want your salary, endorsements and awards stripped.  All of it.  

Don't get me wrong, if it was not illegal then and there was no penalty to enforce then it is the MLB's fault and our fault for believing in the athletes.  They should not be penalized if they were caught before penalties were set.  Morally, however, is where they were wrong.

If you were really sorry then give back your 2003 MVP Award and award it to Carlos Delgado, who came in second.  Teams should have clauses in place that if you falsely perform and get caught doing it than we want our cash back.  Either that or it should go to some charity and you do not see a penny of it.  Also, a year!  That is what 1st time suspensions should be.  

Instead of playing you will give 162 speeches at 162 different schools speaking about the side effects of steroids.  You will explain how Lyle Alzado and other athletes died from the side effects.  You will explain how one side effect will make you think skeletal like female Kennedys are attractive in order to progress your political career.

Endorsement money will be gone.  Phelps loses Kellogs for taking a hit from the bong.  This guy won 8 gold medals.  Let the man chill for a minute.  I know, I know.  Marijuana is a drug.  But see Robin Williams' stand up bit and in no way is Marijuana a PED.  A-Rod should lose it all because he is a phony.  

Last but not least you should lose your stats.  All of your personal stats should be wiped clean.  This way glory hounds like Bonds, Big Mac and Clemens will not be looked at as heroes.  

Lance Armstrong almost died, DIED!  He came back and won the Tour de France 7 times.  Amazing!  He was tested every day.  After every stage.  Whenever the French felt like it they would randomly test him.  Fuck you if you say cycling is not a sport.  Let me see your punk ass ride up those mountains without dying of cardiac arrest.  Some heavy ass, grease sucking large man on "Sports Reporters"  or whatever the name of that show is on piece of shit ESPN had the nerve to say it wasn't a sport.  Here is a man who can't take a breath without losing his breath and he had the nerve!

Why did we never test the baseball players this way?  If you listen to the Score at all, Stoney admits that this has been a problem since the '70's.  The 70's!!!  And Selig and others have not done anything until a few years ago.  They care more about home runs and bringing fans in which is the American way, greed.  

A shame, because while these rich ass swoll assholes give these fake ass news conferences, little kids are wanting to be like them.  I hate that this is a fact but it is.  Ass fucks like Sir Charles can say they do not want to be role models but that is what is thrown upon them as soon as they step into the limelight.

I'm sorry!  Yes you  are!  You truly are!  Be sorry for the example you set for little kids.  Not because you were caught.  Sorry doesn't begin to describe how sorry your punk ass is.  Ozzie has always been right about you.  

Are you sorry as you count your millions?  Fuck you!  You dingleberry, give up every penny you have made sine 97 and then i will believe your ass.  Punk ass bitch ass pussy ass!


iz3y! said...

A-Fraud is a fake. This is why he will never be a legend. NEVER!!! As for testing, the reason they dont go Lance Armstrong on their ass is because of the Players Union. In all the major sports the Player's union has won.

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

Imagine being 70 year-old Jaime Moyer's ass, and running 50 MPH pitches at AROD. He has an unfair advantage in being able to muscle our a pop fly into a homerun. Arod's steroid use will potentially get me fired and run out of baseball. Tell me, who is that fair to?