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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

There may be no cure for ignorance

Back in November 2008 there were some that thought Martin Luther King Jr's dream had been realized with the election of Barack Obama. (To think a Black man being elected president of the United States is all the King dreamed of is simply small minded--but that's not the point). To the contrary, the election of President Obama likely is Dr. King's worst nightmare.

Chris Rock once suggested in jest that if a Black man were elected president of the United States, he'd be immediately assassinated. Ironically (or maybe not) security around the President has been insanely tight since he won the democratic primary for that very reason. But since these redneck simpletons can't get to him physically, they've maintained a constant barrage against his character in an attempt to assassinate the idea of a Black man being president.

You can accuse me of playing the race card all you want, but no other president in the history of the president has been as disrespected as the one currently occupying the White House--so is it merely coincidence then that the difference between this one and all the others is presence of melonin? Most, if not all were Ivy League educated, yet Obama is an "elitest." Jimmy Carter was considered "soft" yet he never endured the same scrutiny as President Obama--and President Obama ORDERED THE KILLING OF BIN LADEN. (Now some "anonymous source" wants to poke holes in the story from the White House. Why kick up a shit storm??? As if we need to give extremists MORE reason to hate us? Its taken YEARS to get anyone to snitch on Bush--its only taken a few MONTHS for someone to undercut Obama).

They decry the way he handles major issues with congress (healthcare and the debt "crisis") when really what he's doing is TELLING CONGRESS TO DO ITS JOB. The President doesn't write or pass laws. He can certainly say what he wants--which is what President Obama did--but its up to CONGRESS to get the details straight.

Granted President Obama hasn't accomplished most of what he campaigned on. Chalk that up to a revolution that broke out the minute he won the democratic nomination in the form of the Tea Party. Many of the Tea Party's constituents can't even READ the constitution, let alone know if the government conforms to it or not. (If they were so worried about the constitution why didn't more of them back Ron Paul?...) Bigger government may not be the answer but its the only blueprint we have (see: the U.S. during the Great Depression). Instead of coming up with new ideas though, our elected officials and the media simply hate on and disrespect the President. It's insane.

What are we to do with this ignorant shit? Unfortunately I don't believe we can do much. We can't shame the ignorant folk--they'll just think you're celebrating them. We can't educate them (education widely considered to be the cure for ignorance) because some of them are actually pretty well read. And evolution continues to allow them to survive (so they must be fitter than the rest of us). Ignorance--like roaches--continues to live on despite the world's best efforts to eradicate both. With that I'll just fight ignorance with ignorance:



I am Jack's Colon said...

Your whole claim of ignorant racist people kind of goes down the toilet when you make the ignorant derogatory claim that many of the Tea Party people can't read. Kettle calling the pot black if you will.

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

I agree with Colon, and would take it step further and say you could sum up this whole blog by saying that Obama is like a fat kid desperate to be liked by everyone. He will let you play with his toys, break his furniture, shit in his laundry machine, all if you will just please like him.

Sho-Nuff said...

If Jack's Colon can provide the literacy levels of the tea baggers to prove my statement was uninformed I'll retract. Until then I stand by what I have: statistics show that those who live in "blue" states (or even blue regions) are better educated than those in "red" ones.

I am Jack's Colon said...

You may be correct in your statement, however, you have shown 0 facts to back your claim and also if you are trying to cry foul make sure you hit the ball in fair territory.

Good for you for standing by your claim. Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly stand by their claims. They also have the most misinformed viewers in this country. Don't put yourself in their category.

Sho-Nuff said...

Taken from media market research:

...Several other demographic differences seem to emanate from that urban skew. Generally, the larger an urban area, the higher the salaries and cost of living. Indeed, Blue Staters have a median household income of $58,254, 28% higher than the Red state median HHI of $45,502. Because income and education are considered to be related, it makes sense that Blue Staters also have higher education levels: whereas Red Staters are 13% more likely than the general population to be high school drop-outs, Blue Staters are 15% more likely than the general population to earn a 4-year degree, and 19% more likely to earn a post-graduate degree.