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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Rappers are weak as hell

There is not a lot to say here, except that freakin Ice Cube has a sitcom where he is the thuggish neighbor, hocks coors light beer, and has not made a decent album since Amerikkka's most wanted.

Xhibit pimped out cars on MTV, and was most recently seen portraying a bear in 2007's Hoodwinked.

50 cent has had poor selling Cd's, poor selling video games, poor selling headphones, and lost a ton of weight to be a mediocre actor dying of cancer.

Everywhere I look i see piss-poor acting, piss poor merchandise, and piss poor album sales.  You want to know who has kept it crazy real during this time?  Who the Knight in shining armor has been for the rap community?  Three-Six Mafia.  They made the awards come to them.  Never deviating from poor rap albums, poor management of money, and poor capitalization of marketing opportunities.  They have kept it so very real, its disgusting.  Kudos to them for following in the hopes and dreams of the hardest hard core rappers that came before them.  You look at someone like Ice Cube, who made a song in which he talks about taking a sellout like MC HAMMER, murdering him, and stuffing him in a trunk, and you cannot help but be filled with admiration.  Now you see Cube in a commercial where a bottle of beer basically cums snow on his face, and you laugh.  I am sure Cube wakes up in a luxurious house, with may whores and stacks of money around him, But I doubt his mansion has a single mirror.  How can it?  If I looked at myself in a mirror, I would kill myself.  Sure he is rich, but so is Monica Lewinsky.  What was she famous for?  1990's Ice Cube would probably murder himself if he knew what he would become.  A joke, a parody, a shadow of his former self.  But i guess the same could be said for the rap community. 

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