Shout OUT!

HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Things I think I think

1)  The NBA is screwed.  The NFL  lockout ended 2 weeks ago, and it is again the most popular sport in the US.  The NBA, which had only 12 of 32 teams EARN revenue, will not be so lucky.  The owners can show that they lost hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue, and new owners saw little return on their investments of 200-300M dollars.  The NBA sucks, and Lebron could not single-handedly save the league, because he was not interested in doing so.    I expect the lockout to go on and on because the owners have all the leverage.  What are people like Michael Beasley, who shoved a heckling fan this week, going to do. Go to law school?  Fall back on that one semester of General Studies he had in college?  POWER TO THE OWNERS!

2)  The US credit line got reduced from AAA+ to AA+  This means that that dollar in you pocket, is now worth about 92 cents, and someday we will all work for Chinese taskmaster overlords.  I for one, welcome our new overlords, and want to remind them that as an influential blogger, I could be very useful to them.

3)  Planet of the Apes made much much more money than the much hyped, much maligned "The Change Up."  Proof that Hollywood has no freaking idea what its doing  The Smurfs, in 3D, you kidding me?  I would rather watch a movie starring one Mr Honey Badger. You think the Honey Badger cares about Smurfs or Ryan Reynolds?

4)  I need to go to Safari to Kenya, to see wild animals, Darwin's Survival of the Fittest Law in action, and Obamas Birth records.  But mostly to see this live

5)    The stock market feels like the Superman Roller coaster at Six Flags.  The US owes 14.6 trillion dollars on the world front, with the largest owner of our debt being China with 1.1 Trillion.  C'mon, check the couch cushions, can't we find 1.1 Trill there?  China owed itself 7.4 Tril, so technically its the nation with the biggest debt, but since they exclude that, the U.S is first.  I foresee a situation where all welfare people will suddenly stop getting checks for sitting at home, and doing nothing.  The only low-income housing in my neighborhood recently got plowed over, and will soon be a strip mall right off the expressway.  That sounds like the welfare people are getting sent out to the far suburbs.  Then, the checks stop, then food shipments start arriving later and later, then all hell breaks loose and it becomes a town with martial law.  I mean, what better way to save money than by having all the GD's, Vice Lords, 4 Corner Hustlers, P Stones, and every other gang forced to live in a 10 square mile radius out near Romeoville?  I mean just look at the Kings and the Two Six gangs in Aurora?  But who gives a shit, its an hour away.

6)  On Friday, Fox News' Fox Nation website was forced to shut down comments on a post that referred to President Obama's 50th birthday party as a "Hip-Hop BBQ," after receiving many submissions that were racist. "We found many of the comments to be offensive and inappropriate and they have been removed," Bill Shine, the executive vice president of Fox News programming, told The Cutline on Friday.  I think it's funny as fuck the guy's name is shine, very racist, but very funny.  I mean, what the hell did you expect calling Obama's birthday party, a hip-hop BBQ?  When the hell did anyone ever see a hip hop video where they are discussing current news events?  The deficit, universal health care?  Etc?  The reason Obama is having a HIP HOP BBQ is because he does not care that the working class has to work harder.  He has never had to work hard.  He got scholarships to go to prestigious schools, got a full ride at Harvard, he has never had to work hard at anything other than to write/memorize speeches.  He does not know how freakin hard it is to go out and earn a buck.  His wife is having 20,000 calorie dinners, then preaches about exercising to fat kids?  The Economy is collapsing, and the Obamas are hanging around Paul McCartney?  I am not surprised people left fiery comments on the post.  The true surprise comes from Fox News' shock that people would say those things about the president.  We live in the greatest country in the world, and we are great because we have the right to say that Obama is fucking up big-time. 

7)  Todd Brown is in the news because he was walking to the Smith & Wollensky steakhouse, where he works, when he was shot at close range at 5:05 p.m. Monday on the State Street bridge.  Brown, who lives in the Jackson Park Highlands neighborhood on the Southeast Side, took a bus to work and was walking north across the bridge when he was shot, his mother said.  It’s not the first time Brown has been shot. On Aug. 28, 2010, he was wounded in the leg at 58th and Cottage Grove. No one was arrested, records show.  Brown was sentenced to three years in prison in 2008 after he pleaded guilty to aggravated battery for fighting with police officers during an arrest in the Rogers Park neighborhood, court records show.  Monday’s shooting rattled rush-hour commuters, including witnesses who came to Brown’s aid. The gunman, armed with a chrome handgun with a big Chicago Police Department Logo on the side of it, escaped. He jumped in his police cruiser and drove south on State Street, then east on Wacker. Police said they were reviewing surveillance cameras in the area.  “We don’t believe this is a random event.  We have no possible leads either.” Belmont Area Police Cmdr. Gary Yamashiroya said Monday.  Brown, 29, is recovering at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, where he’s in serious condition. The bullet lodged in his skin but didn’t pass into his skull, officials said.  “The bullet is in his head, and they don’t want to move it,” Gooden said. “They don’t want any more swelling. It’s really overwhelming.”

8)   I am shocked!  Jereme Richmond, the former Waukegan and University of Illinois basketball player, was behind bars Tuesday after being charged with threatening to shoot a man.  Richmond, 19, was being held in the Lake County Jail on $100,000 bond after being charged with several felonies Monday.  Richmond was the Sun-Times boys basketball Player of the Year in 2009 and 2010, though his basketball career was mired in controversy. He left Illinois after one season and declared for the NBA draft but wasn’t selected.  He really fucked up and though he was good enough to get chosen.  He thought he was such a good ball player, that teams would overlook the fact that he is an asshole, and give him millions of dollars to play sports.  He was arrested at about 12:30 p.m. Monday in the 3000 block of Golfmoor Street, according to Waukegan Police Cmdr. Gabe Guzman. Charges included aggravated unlawful use of a weapon, battery, possession of a firearm and assault.

Police were called to the address, the home of a 17 year old girl whom Richmond might have formerly dated, according to a police report. Richmond got into an argument with the girl’s parents and allegedly made threats.  According to a police report, Richmond told one of the victims, “You looking for me? I’m here now! I’m gonna shoot your ass!  You know who I am?  I Will be in the NBA someday!  I drive a Dodge Stratus!”  Officers arrived to find Richmond outside the house near a car, with three other men sitting inside, Guzman said. They also found a .40 caliber Smith & Wesson handgun in the back of the station wagon. He didn’t know if the gun was loaded.

All four men were arrested without incident, and no one was injured in the confrontation, Guzman said.  Matthew Riley, 22, of the 1900 block of Hervey in North Chicago, was charged with aggravated unlawful use of a weapon and possession of a firearm, Guzman said. Charged with misdemeanor disorderly conduct were Christopher Coburn, 21, of the 3400 block of Windhaven in Waukegan, and Marqus Amos, 21, of the 1400 block of Kristan in North Chicago.  Richmond had a tumultuous freshman season at Illinois, averaging 7.6 points and five rebounds. He played in 31 games and started six.  “I am saddened to learn about the incident involving Jereme,” ­Illinois coach Bruce Weber said in a statement. “We wish the best for the young people involved and their families as they work through this situation.  I cannot believe that stupid fuck sat outside the house!  I cannot believe that ignorant asshole had 3 thugs with hi, but just one deuce deuce.  Should have had at least 2-3, so he could gout out like a man in a shootout, instead of looking like a bitch.  Worse case scenario, he does 1-3 in county, then gets selected by the Clippers.”

Richmond missed the Illini’s two NCAA tournament games for violating the school’s athletic code. He sat out a game earlier in the season after returning home to deal with a personal matter.  He also reportedly was involved in a fight with a teammate after a loss to Michigan in the Big Ten tournament March 11.  “Your suppose to pray for those less fortunate than you and hope things get better for them...not be happy about their mistakes,” tweeted former Illini teammate Brandon Paul.  “Smh keep jereme in your prayers even if u dislike him. He’s only 19 has a whole life to live!  He dumb, but has decent rebounding skills.  SOMEBODY will pay his ass!  Everyone makes mistakes!!,” tweeted former Illini teammate Mike Davis.  Richmond also had a controversial career at Waukegan. He was kicked off his high school team after his sophomore year after numerous altercations with teammates and coaches. He was allowed to return as a sophomore and eventually led the Bulldogs to two state tournament berths.  "if not for his basketball skills, I would have told him to go fuck himself, But we are weak on the inside, and needed his length.  He is an spoiled, selfish asshole, but he can board with the best of them.  I mean, he will never make it to the NBA, but who gives a shit about him once he leaves my high school team.  I wish him disease and death after he graduates high school.... AFTER!"  The coach said.

9)  I continue to like grilled cheese sandwiches.

10)  London is burning down.  I blame nursery rhymes for me not caring as much. "London bridge is falling down,falling down, falling down.  London bridge is falling down, and I don;t give a fuck."  Riots started 4 days ago when a black man was shot and killed in a police maneuver gone wrong.  I for one, thought English cops all drank tea, were queers, and had batons, not guns for weapons.  I would halfway be encouraged to riot myself if all I had to worry about was some poof chasing me saying "My word, stop dear boy, stop."  It would take all bobbies they could muster and all the batons they had to stop me from laughing my Bum off at them while I looted the Crown Jewels.  What happens when criminals learn that the authorities have only as much power as the people give them?  London is a prime example. 

That is all for now, I remain, as always
 The Raving Lunatic

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