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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Friday, August 19, 2011

The CUBS are a fucking joke.

Hello Sportsfans.

     The Handsome RightHander here, and I am happy.  Jim Hendry has been dismissed as the Cubs’ general manager, the team announced on Friday. It's about fucking time.  He was the only general manager in franchise history to oversee three postseason clubs (2003, 2007, 2008) and was the first Cubs general manager to lead the franchise to consecutive postseason berths.  Then his team turned to shit.  “My family and I appreciate Jim’s dedication during our time with the Cubs and thank him for his overall 17 years of service to the Cubs organization.  We also appreciate almost getting to the mountaintop, but almost getting a blowjob, and getting a blowjob are 2 different things,” Cubs chairman Tom Ricketts said. “It is time for a fresh approach in our baseball leadership and our search begins immediately for our next general manager.  I was hoping the Orioles would fire Showalter before the season ends.” 
     Hendry, 56, was named vice president/general manager on July 5, 2002 and departs as the third-longest tenured general manager in the National League and the third-longest-tenured general manager in franchise history behind John Holland (1957-75) and James Gallagher (1940-49).  “At end of the day, I’m not going to leave here with any problems,” Hendry said. “Tom Ricketts is a good man. We just didn’t win enough games.”
     Hendry said Ricketts told him he would be let go on July 22, but Hendry stuck around to help get the Cubs’ draft picks signed. Hendry informed manager Mike Quade and the players of his dismissal on Friday morning.   Overall, Hendry’s clubs went 749-748 during his time as general manager. He joined the organization in November, 1994 as the club’s director of player development. After one year in that role, he added the title of scouting director and served in the dual role through the 1998 season when he was promoted to assistant general manager.

One Motherfucking game over .500?  We live in the best city in the world, why do CUBS fans put up with this shit?  All you idiots running around talking about "lovable losers" or "If the CUBS win, the city will celebrate like crazy,"
 are kidding yourselves.  You run around and say you're a CUBS fans, you are basically saying you like to lose.  Its wrong, unAmerican, and madness to walk around year after year and hope that this will be the year that blah blah blah.  The Ricketts family made the smartest move in history because that bought a franchise that has a fan base that does not care if it wins or not, does not care if you deface the stadium, and is takes failure in stride.  I mean, you could have had a bailout if you were a real business that's how bad you guys sucked this year.  "We had a 7 game win streak,"  you will say.  "Yeah, but all that did was get you to 22 games behind the leader" I will respond.  You may have fired Hendry, but the next GM will have the same owners, same roster limitations, and same apathetic fans. For a historical look, see my previous CUBS blogs.  It used to be funny, now its just pathetic.   Its like Polish jokes,  funny, then amusing, then ok, then racist, then funny again for a while, then bad again, then lame.  Ronnie woo woo must be rolling over in his cardboard coffin. 

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