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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Katt Williams Just fucked up big time

Last week, comedian Katt Williams made news when he attacked a Hispanic comedy club patron and told him to "Go back to Mexico."  Right about here, I will begin to lose my shit.  I will then recover, and calm down.  I understand that Katt Williams was trying to be funny, but his attempts were lame.  As was the response of the victim to Williams.  I just wish, I FUCKING WISH it had been me getting attacked.  I would have responded thusly.  Bear in mind I would most likely be mean just to get laughs.

Katt Williams (KW)
Jokey Jokemaker (JJ)

KW:  Are you Mexican?
JJ: Yep
KW:  Why don;t you go back to Mexico?
JJ:  I was born in Chicago you girly-mouthed bitch!
KW:  You Mexicans always pledge allegiance to Mexico
JJ:  How is that any different than watching only BET?
KW: How can you live in a country and pledge allegiance to another.
JJ:  Where the fuck were you in the 90's?  Too many perms must have fried your brain.  Remember all the black people with Africa pendants on?  The dashiki's, the blow outs, the Black Power movements?  Where the fuck were you all talking about, Brooklyn?  But you're gonna bust my balls because i got my hometown on the windshield of my Chevy Silverado?  Get the fuck outta here with that shit.
KW:  You need to go back to landscaping jobs
JJ:  Only if you go back to picking cotton.  You see how hateful that shit sounds?  You were not funny before this tirade, and you are less funny now good sir.  You suck donkey balls.
KW:  Don't talk like that to sons of slaves.
JJ:  You came after me, telling me to go back to Mexico, and now you're all scared about what I have to say?   You ready?  Here I go:  Katt, I am sorry.  I am sorry that you thought you were going to come here and bust my balls, and come out a hero.  That shit will not happen, and you will be lucky if I don't catch you in the parking lot and fuck you up.  I get you.  You are a short, funny-looking fuck with bad hair and a nasal voice.  You might be the funniest fuck on your block, but the world ain't your block.  Welcome to the jungle baby.  You might think that you have won some type of victory here, by getting a few racists to cheer you for attacking me, but you would be wrong to think this is more than a few drunks trying to gang up on a minority.  By minority, I mean me, one of the few pisas in the room who think you are a decent comic and willing to pay 30 bucks to see your ass.  It doesn't ,matter how i made the 30 bucks, landscaping, selling raspas, or corn, or whatever.  I came to have a good time.  Now it seems I will have to entertain myself by busting you're sorry ass. 
You black people have had it bad, what with the racism, rap music, crack, the slavery issues, I mean shit, you guys were basically carry on luggage for European settlers.  "Oh honey, we packed for America?  Tickets? Check, Wallet? Check. Shit loads of slaves to work our fields, and pick our cotton?  Oh no, Lets stop by the slavery store and pickup a few dozen, as some are bound to die and get thrown overboard." 

My point is, every race has good things about it, and bad things in its past.  For you to make blanket accusations about the Hispanic race is like me saying that rap music ruined your once-proud race.  Crack decimates ghettos, Democrats keep you in small neighborhoods where you kill all the honor students, and then they get your vote by promising to make things better for you.  Anyone can look at another group and make comments like yours, but one should first look inwards to see what can be said about one's self.  So to you Mr Williams, I say this.  I will wait on your punk ass in the parking lot, and if you and me to go back to Mexico, you will have to make me. 

PS. Crack decimates ghettos, rap music ruined your once proud race, and Democrats keep you caged and fed with lies and false promises. 

What really happened is this:  An apology came out of the Katt Williams camp, which he asserts was not genuine.  (His explanation of its origins: "A lot of stuff has been happening to a lot of black celebrities in the world. We just deal with it, thank Jesus, and keep on going.")

He does, however, provide some of the context the mysterious apology suggested, explaining that his comments were in response to the heckler's assertion that "all of this [Phoenix] is still Mexico."
"Black people worked too hard to become Americans . . . Don't come here talking to sons of slaves," he says, insisting that his remarks were directed at that individual only.
Asked questions including whether he was out of line to say, "We were slaves. Y'all just work like that at the landscaper," Williams tells Holmes that the brand of comedy he sells means he is "not allowed" to apologize for the remarks, explaining that he only regrets "the fact that the word 'anti-Mexican' is being said to a black guy in America."
 The reasoning behind Williams' defense of his comments leaves a lot to be desired. First, the idea that the history of slavery in this country somehow gives African Americans immunity from criticism when we offend other ethnic groups doesn't add up. At all. Second, we're not convinced that bigoted statements about Mexican-Americans generally are made any better because they were directed at one individual. Finally, if you don't want to apologize, that's up to you. But give us a break -- don't say you're "not allowed" to. Clearly, you do whatever you want.

But at least Williams' willingness to explain the intention behind his remarks and his, "I meant what I said; take me or leave me" attitude represent a refreshing change from the trite and meaningless apologies we normally hear when celebrities and politicians slip up and show their true colors.


JokeyJokemaker316 said...

The handsome Righthander also asked me to mention the media's desire for a black quarterback to be successful after killing dogs.


JokeyJokemaker316 said...

The Chooch Punisher also asked me to mention black women who enable black men to make babies and not take responsibility.

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

The Raving Lunatic also asked me to mention that Obama wants to interrupt Football to campaingn to keep his job.

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

The Dalai Llama also asked me to mention that the Chinese Govt is full of assholes.

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

The Jews asked me to ask the Germans: "What was THAT HOULACOUST madness all about?"

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

The Native Americans also asked me to thank the Pilgrims for the nice thick blankets. Hoep they enjoy those beads.

iz3y! said...

I once told a group of mexicans to go back to Mexico since America was so shitty.
I once told a classroom of black people to go back to africa and the silence was deafening. I didnt mean that they had to, i was just fed up with the bitching.

The common theme...we are all here for a fucking make me fucking laugh and give jokey material is just the bonus!

Anonymous said...

Race is not the issue its ignorance! Thank the lord he made us all in his image.