Shout OUT!

HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

You know you done fucked up now don't you? You know you done fucked up."

Hello friends,

     The Raving Lunatic has returned to laugh at you.  ALL of you.  Healthcare was passed yesterday, and while I like the idea of universal healthcare, the powers that be will never allow it.  Today on the news was a doctor in Orland Park that will open a health care center, WITH 2 DRIVE THRU'S!!  This is a direct slap in the face of everything that the healthcare plan was supposed to fix.  Imagine a scenario where you go to Mc Health Care, and order pain relief and a side of fries,  You go home with generic remedy, and you die of an Anuersym.  Who is to blame?  Who takes responsibility?  Is this a plan to help serve the millions who will now go to health facilities every time they get a headache?  Or was this an attempt by a smart doctor to keep from getting sued?  I expect longer doctor wait times, and I accept this trade off so that people can be helped.  I expect friviolous lawsuits to skyrocket, and Fast Food healthcare to shift blame on people.  I wonder though, will they have a dollar menu?

The Raving Lunatic
Stark Raving Mad


iz3y! said...

Drive thru Healthcare is ridiculous...lets just leave sick people sitting in a room dying!

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

This healthcare does not help everyone YET, and you will get fined if you do not HAVE it? How is this free universal healthcare? How you going to fine the unemployed? Its a start towards healthcare, but not a good one, YET.