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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Friday, March 5, 2010

I'm just saying...

Today was the first day of free agency in the National Football League. As a Chicago Bears fan i was glued to my computer and car radio all day. As my morning began they had signed Brandon Manumaleuna. He is a 6-2, 295 pound beast of a man who plays the position of tight end. His familiarity with a Mike Martz run offense and the fact that he is basically an additional offensive lineman is something the Mikes can hopefully work wonders with.

Towards early afternoon defensive end Julius Peppers and running back Chester Taylor made their way to Halas Hall as well. Rumor had it they were taking their physicals in order to sign their contracts. The possibility of adding a tailback with limited wear and tear, nice receiving ability and a reputation as a solid third down back would be an exceptional complement to Matt Forte who had a disappointing Sophomore season. Julius Peppers was the prize of the day. A freak of an athlete who has averaged at least 10 sacks a year his first 8 years in the league. Although he has been known to take a few plays off here and there he instantly is the stud of the defensive line. People are worried that he may pull a Tommie Harris and not produce after his big pay day but only time will tell. An instant upgrade on the defensive line as well as a fresh Brian Urlacher, who played less than half of a game in the past year and a half, will hopefully produce one of the fiercest defenses in the NFL.

As the rumors became reality and all three players were introduced to the waiting Chicago public i couldn't help but cringe as i listened to The Score. Massive amounts of people called in to complain about the Greg Olsen situation. Rumors have it he is on his way out of Chicago. In a Mike Martz system he is worthless. I believe the most catches a tight end has had in this type of offense is not what G-reg expects to produce. Understandably, rumor has it he has spoken with his agent and wants out. In my opinion good riddance. He is sure handed but is unable to produce yards ofter the catch or block a baby from chasing after their bottle. If he was a mugger and tried to rob a senior citizen they would be able to tackle him with limited effort. Callers, however, were of a different opinion. They wanted him to stick around and couldn't believe the Bears would let a talent like him slip through their hands.

We just landed an opportunity. An opportunity to make our team better. In no way am i comparing this day to October 27, 2005 but it reminded me of it. Instead of cherishing the White Sox Championship a few callers actually called in to wonder what was going to happen in 2006. Are you kidding me?!?!? We just won the World Series and they were all worried about Paulies contract situation. Let in sink in brother!

I put out a challenge. I challenge Chicago sports fans to quit your bitchin'. Quit bitchin' about goats, black cats, curses, nerds who wear headphones and turtlenecks who had nothing to do with a player missing a foul ball, not having a good enough goalie when you have the best offense in the NHL, Jay Cutler throwing too many picks because he had no one to throw to and no offensive line to protect him, a heavy pitcher who should have won 2 or 3 Cy Young Awards by now but does not put his full effort into the game, a coach who doesn't know how the hell to coach the Bulls past an aging Celtics team without K.G. and a stuttering excuse for a coach who, granted, took your team to the playoffs 2 consecutive years but was swept both years.

Enjoy the fact we just signed three impact players. Enjoy basking in the bleachers drinking a beer. Enjoy Derrick Rose and his unlimited potential. Enjoy Patrick Kane and John Madden. Enjoy watching the 2005 World Champions as they trot out their kick ass rotation and atttempt to win their 2nd championship in 5 years. Nothng is as dope as being a Chicago sports fan. Don't waste away your time bitchin' about it, embrace it. Try to be as positive about it as you can. Think about it! It could be worse! You could be stuck in Nebraska or Idaho and have no one to root for. Instead you carry the pride of rooting for a Chicago team rich in tradition, no matter which team you root for.


JokeyJokemaker316 said...

I think Lou Pinella has mentally checked out already.

I am Jack's Colon said...

He sure has.

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

I recently won a small lotto prize. When i looked on the back the first prize was playing outfield for the Cubs, second prize was a toaster. WHO WANTS TOAST?