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Monday, April 12, 2010

GOP is FOS..

I've had this simmering for a while now. I'm really sick and tired of the republican party is its currently situated. Its like the party of Deebo. They have complete mind control over the entire swath of stupid racist yokels in this country and I'm a little tired of it. First, enough of Palin. Anytime an entire political party has its wagon hitched to this chick, its in trouble. Secondly, stop with the opposition to EVERYTHING. Enough already. Every decision does not have to be a battle for power. We, as in the people who are represented by these jackasses, expect you to get something done every now and again. Look, I have recently been convinced by the often correct but hated upon Izcorp. CEO that the possibility of finding consensus on anything significant without a dictatorship is remote. Seein as how we as a country--except in Chicago--tend to frown upon dictatorships, we are stuck with a republic. I'd ordinarily be all for that except the jackasses who came before us reduced the available list of representatives to two parties: democrat or republican. A choice between those two is like ANY conversation with J. London. You're really not sure why you're there, what the hell is being discussed, or just how full of sh** he really is. And yet, you keep talking to him.

I don't suppose there's a point to this other than to say that I'm kinda pissed off. I'm fairly conservative in many of my views. I don't like ignant ninjas anymore than the teabaggers do and I hate spending for the sake of spending. However, I like to get ish done even if it means spending a bit more for the things that matter to me. I think criminals who commit crimes should have their asses hauled off to jail and I could give a rat's ass what happens to them while they're there. However, unless we're giving everyone a life sentence, we need robust re-entry programs for ex-criminals. I know that no one wants to give a slice of the economic pie to help convicts but bored and unemployed convicts become re-offending convicts and that helps no one. My broader point is this, I'm not aligning myself with any party that actively promotes racism and that's precisely what the republican party is now. So what about me and people like me? Am I just supposed to be a Democrat by default? What if, as is sometimes the case, I just don't agree with Democratic policy?

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