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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What i should have said was...

Like most athletes Torii Hunter should have kept his mouth shut and just let his play do the talking. As follows:

- "People see dark faces out there, and the perception is that they're African American, they're not us. They're impostors."

- "Even people I know come up and say, 'Hey, what color is Vladimir Guerrero? Is he a black player?' I say, 'Come on, he's Dominican. He's not black.' "

- "As African-American players, we have a theory that baseball can go get an imitator and pass them off as us,"

- "It's like they had to get some kind of dark faces, so they go to the Dominican or Venezuela because you can get them cheaper. It's like, 'Why should I get this kid from the South Side of Chicago and have Scott Boras represent him and pay him $5 million when you can get a Dominican guy for a bag of chips?'

- "I'm telling you, it's sad."

Bitch please!!! Samuel Sosa, Vladimir Guerrero, Jose Contreras, Juan Uribe, Alfonso Soriano, Damaso name a few. Just by reading the back of their shirts you are unable to tell that these people are not black? Seriously? For real? Should i throw in the light skinned Latinos just in case people mix them up also?

As for Latinos being lured to the United States for a bag of chips. They may come for a bag of chips but they go home owning the potato farm. See, they enter into their first contracts for a few dollars but they umm what do you call hard! Play hard! Train hard! and then they do what Jay-Z does and "getz pizzaid!"

Also, Boras or hunter go on to say "We will lose this game if the best athletes are not playing baseball." Just because blacks are the majority of MLB and NFL teams doesn't mean they are the best athletes. 2 sports! Hockey, Rugby, Soccer, Tennis (other than the Williams' sisters), any type of car racing, cycling, and on and on. Oh wait they are good at track and field events.

But isn't it ironic that blacks are good at sports that involve fleeing a crime scene? They can run like the dickens can't they? You'd have thought with all the cars they steal there would be a NASCAR or Formula 1 negro league by now.

Shut the fuck up Torii! Hit the ball, catch the ball and throw the ball!

The shame is this takes away from the meat of the article. The lack of inner city black kids playing baseball is a travesty because it would probably keep them out of the trouble many of them find themselves in.


JokeyJokemaker316 said...
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JokeyJokemaker316 said...

Tory Hunter is a moron. I remeber there was some fucking fiasco here about racist CUBS ownership not wanting to hire Willie B "Dusty "Baker. Everyone was quick to say the CUBS were racists. Everyone forgot the failed Don Baylor experiment. In retrospect, Baylor did nothing noteworthy.

Baker used thew JESSE JACKSON method, where he threatened to expose racism within the CUBS organization, and the CUBS were too scared of black people boycotting wrigley field, relented and OVERPAID Baker. Not only did Baker blow out he best 2 arms the CUBS had, but he did not deliver on anything he was hired to do (INSERT BARACK OBAMA JOKE HERE).

Hunter should be mad that less kids are playing baseball. he should also be mad that a shocking number of african-americans do not graduate high school or live in correctinal facilities. Once all THAT shit gets sorted out, I will listen to what the fuck Tory Hunter has to say. Milton Bradley, FUCK YOU TOO.

Hunter gets overpaid because he is fast, and can jump high. Not because he is smart, a great spokesperson, or the voice of a new generation. he is some lucky fuck that spent time inthe weightroom, while others were in classrooms. Shame on ESPN making him look like more of a moron than he is.