Shout OUT!

HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Yes Yes i know...the world is coming to the end...

So passing a bill to ensure healthcare for everyone is going to ruin us all? I wonder what it was like when they first opened up public schools funded by our tax money? Hell how did they get away with passing a bill to create welfare?

Seriously, what a vanguard idea we just formed. UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE!!! Wait, this just in..Canada, Italy, England, France and many others are already on it. So basically much like our music and fashion we are behind. Jesus,what ever will we do? Oh that's right, we will move on and be a true super power. What's next? A woman president! UNHEARD OF and we will truly be....oh wait...all those countries got us faded!

So, lets all take a deep breath and quit acting like fucking infants! Maybe one day we will reach England status where we produce nothing, and our money would be worth more than toilet paper. For now, someone ask the Republicans if their done acting like children or should we continue to watch them make a fool of themselves as they continue to throw a hissy fit over everything uttered by a Democrat. Hey Democrats, we know u run things, but u know...a little aplomb wont kill you. Now pass the damn bill and lets move on to pressing matters. (top of my head... when will we can start seeing a ROI on those oil fields we acquired.)


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