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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Monday, March 8, 2010

These were my thoughts during my lunch break.

Hello friends,

These are my thoughts:

1) The Hurt Locker sucked. It was a tense movie that was powerfully anti-climactic. I believe this was just some thinly vwiled attempt to make an Anti-war movie. All it did I bet was imspire more people to sign up for bomb squad duty. Suck it Hollywood.

2) Where are all the smoking hot Asian women in Hollywood?

3) The best movie of the year was UP.

4) Monique won for best supporting actress in PRECIOUS. correct me if I am wrong but this is the award she won for being a terrible black mother to a fat kid with AIDS? I am sure that the black community is going "DAMN, if we dont get naked (Halle Berry), or act like a scumbag gangster (Denzel Washington), we won;t win shit!" I look forward to a movie about basketball. because that seems to be the area where race will not be an issue.

5) Wide Reciever Anquan Boldin was essentially traded for a pack of Camel Lights. Where were the Bears?

6) I just checked, Boner is still dead.

7) Allen Iverson is a drunk gambler.

8) Navy SEAL Julio Huerta from Blue Island, is being charged for dereliction of duty for failing to safeguard the life of Ahmed Abed. Who is Ahmed Abed? Convicted terrorist who was famous for bobbytrapping corpses that would explode when Americans tried to bury dead enemies. He had crucial info, and someone looked at him to harshly and he began to whine about mistreatment. I say, you get the info by strapping that guy to the front of a humvee, and using him as a human shield.

9) All efforts to locate Shavar Ross, have thus far been to no avail. Who is Shavar Ross? He starred in BLADE,..... no wait, he was "DUDLEY" on Diff'rent Strokes

10) Allen Iverson just won an academy award for drinking and gambling.

11) Julio Huerta deserves an Academy Award for being bad-ass and saving thousands of lives.

12) James cameron deserves and oscar for basically taking the plot of Disney's Pocahontas, and recasting it with blue cats.

13) I did not see Boners image on the Oscars when they paid tribute to the stars that have died this year. I did see requiems for Jennifer Lopez' recording career, Tiger's marriage, Obama's presidency, the San Antonio Spurs, the Arizona Cardinals, Toyota, the Chicago Cubs outfield, the Hartford Whalers, the United States Postal Service, the McRib, Shamrock Shakes, Julia Robert's importance, Mexican Soccer powerhouse team San Luis, No taxation without representation, Japanimation show, Cowboy Beebop, innocence, under 10 dollar movie tickets, under 3 dollar gas, Lou Pinella, and the New York Knicks regular practice of raping secretaries in the back of Ford Explorers, and all things that were labeled "Limited time only."

14) Smoking hot Asian women deserve oscars. If we acknowledge them, maybe they will come around more often. It works with stray cats , the cast of the jersey shore, and Barbara Streisand.

15) The oscars should nominate 20 movies next year, and at least 12 of them should be Tyler Perry Movies. This will not get us any close to a black director winning an oscar, but it will show what a fucking farce the Academy Awards are. FUCK YOU HURT LOCKER.

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