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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Upon my having reached the age of 33

Dear friends,

I write this to you in order to tell you how good I feel. I have been awash in an overwhelming sense of calm, and have been granted much time to think about things. First off, I will waste little time in creating or fostering negative energy. All it does is make you feel bad afterwards. It makes you wonder how good a person you are if you speak or act negatively. I will try to limit or do away with this all together. If you see me act negatively, call me on it. It’s the only way I’ll learn.

I will also try to be a better friend to others. I do a great job of being a friend to my students, and co-workers. So much so that it’s mentally draining. I have not always made myself available to my friends, and I apologize for that. My family comes first, then job, then friends. I remember the days of putting my friends before anything. It forged some great friendships, and yielded good times. Now that I am older, I find myself pushing away things that are non-essential, because my time and energy are waning. I have committed to getting my energy up, and making time regularly for the important things in my life, like love, laughter, and making a difference in this world.

I have committed to being the best person that ever lived. I have also committed to being the most humble person that ever lived. It seems like such a strange dichotomy, but it’s the delicate balance I am trying to achieve. I have discussed with my family the possibility of me going back to school, and it looks more and more like an option. I have also committed to doing more positive things. I am at the age now where my daughter and I can talk about things more clearly, and I want to instill in her the sense of duty to help others when you can. I also want to accomplish the difficult task of teaching her not to overextend herself. I also want to teach her French.

In summary, I feel good, I want to be positive, I want t be a better friend, family man, the best person ever, the most humble person ever, and a teacher of French. All in all, I do not think it’s too much to ask.

Jokey Jokemaker316

1 comment:

strawberrykiss said...

seriously, if you're dying, you should tell us already.