Shout OUT!

HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Friday, February 26, 2010

thanks for the kind words...what

I have noticed that people like leaving positive messages all over Facebook and what not. Sometimes they are passages from the Good book, or just the random, "Have a great day FB" and my first instinct was...WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG? I got worried. I immediately thought of the most common scenario that included breakups, death, venerial diseases etc. I see one of those happy messages of the day on Facebook and i wonder what that person is trying to cover up. What calamidity or pitfall are they trying to forget or hide?

Sick i know! Sending out positive vibes should mean you would get some back. Instead I am conditioned for the worst...and just exactly when the fuck did that happen? How did a long lovely blog about a turning point in someone's life for the good lead to questions about their mental sanity. Doubts of the authentic nature of their words and intentions. I grabbed my phone and typed out the "WTF" text, only to put it down and ask..."Why?" When did this become my default response to a positive thought, message, voice?

I conducted my own experiment and found that it works. Dropping the rusted metal surrounding myself, and just sending a random "good morning" message to the fam, i found you helps you show up a little happier. The Sun shines a little brighter. The cold cutting wind makes u feel not only pain, but actually feel. "Good morning family" leads to good mornings back from people who may have also forgot to connect and say hello.

Try it...go and say "how's your day going" to people and do something crazy and listen. Follow that up without bitching about something. Say something positive and see where it leads. Even the most frustrating thing in your world cannot be so bad that you cant remember that it will be alright. No need to compare your sorrows in HOPES that someone has it worse. Try sharing your joys in hopes that it can lead people to do the same...

Fucking wild gay ass idea huh? I know...but when did it become that way?

Bjork - Hunter

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