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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Friday, February 26, 2010

...defining my reality...

a co-worker just told me his secret for not going postal and stalking office to office pumping rounds from a semi-automatic hand gun into any soul unlucky enough to be in the line of sight of his deadly messengers...ok...maybe that's not what he was intending, but i am playing it up....

So, he tells me he came to the realization that he will no longer allow the people, who are driving him nuts, to define his reality. Yep, simple as that. He went on to say that i could pick a person out of a phonebook and that that person had as much of a say in his life as the current blowhard who is running rampant with buzzwords like a frustrated hungry rapper! I mean...he even acknowledged how existential this was and how it brought him peace.

Not sure how this works for you, or for me actually, but I am intrigued. Can I just decide that someone won't matter anymore? They won't define my reality, they won't tell me what's what? Isn't that what a work is? Isn't that part of the deal I agreed on when I cash the check? Someone tells me what to do, I hope they know what they are doing, and every two weeks I cash a check. Don't get me wrong, i do my fair share of Office street fighting, but can I just mentally check that person off the list of people who I wont smash in the face. Proverbially speaking of course!

It is really hard being a worker ant now that i know i dont have to follow the invisible line and i can look around.



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