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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Thursday, May 26, 2011


People always want to know why people do the obvious.  It is not enough that stuff is obvious, people want a reason.  Today's, "holy shit that is obvious" moment deals with the SPERMINATOR Arnold "the Governator" Schwarzenegger.  People have gone out of their to fall out of their chair to wonder WHY WOULD HE CHEAT ON HIS WIFE?  Well Jokey was kind enough to post a pic of Arnold's latest "known" conquests which you can peruse here and cringe.  Now just take a moment and let this soak in.

Not obvious yet?  Well think inside the box for a moment.  If Maria wasnt going to do what was necessary, Ah-nold is going to do what he thinks he has to.  As a well known celebrity he just cant roam the club looking for ass, so he got drunk and hit the first thing closest to him who he could pay off.  Shit, the only real mystery i can see is 1: why didnt he strap it up to avoid procreating and 2: why didnt he hire better looking staff?  well 2 is obvious actually.  Maria probably thought the uglier the staff the more secure she was that Ah-nold wouldnt cheat.  Oops.  Those who dont learn their history are DOOMED to repeat it.  Maria should have learned from Hilary.  If you have a man who is marginally powerful and has groupies hanging around who are willing and ready, you best be doing your part or at least control your territory.  Hire lesbians!  Hire professionals who only fuck for money, and then pay them to not fuck ur man.  There are a plethora of moves that could have been made and Maria avoided them all.  I am not absolving Ah-nold for his part in this tragedy, but he did have a history of being AH-NOLD!  women would throw themselves at him.  In the end, the cat was CLEARLY looking for soemthing and that nasty crusty house staffer was ready, willing, and available.

Married, dating, going steady, or just best make sure ur doing what you can to make your boo happy.  Otherwise....


1 comment:

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

Danny posted pics, I would not have thrown pics of those women up on the page.