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Sunday, May 22, 2011

More Jesse Jackson Failures

This blog could go on forever, but in the interest of not having my hands fall off from excessive typing, I will limit of to another couple of failures.

Failure 5)Bad reputation.

 I overheard two very prominent individuals (Ceo of AT&T and COO of Morningstar mutual funds) speaking at a Rainbow PUSH conference a few years back.  They were talking about paying Jackson to go away and leave their businesses alone.  One made a comment about the payoff, when Marc Whittacre, CEO of AT&T one of them said: "Make sure you send the money with a hot white woman, or else he won't pay attention to it."  The other person said that he had heard about that, but figured that as long as the money was green, the woman could be black.  Either way, for two powerful industry giants to be talking out in the open about a religious leader, it was quite shocking.  I for one thought he was partial to Asian women.

Failure 4) 
Failure number 4 is essentially an extension of number five, but focuses on the dumbass moves Jesse has made in the media.  Its no secret that Jesse loves a camera.  He can be seen commenting on anything that has anything to do with black people, as their spokesperson.  I don;t know who else was in the running, But I assume that Oprah, Jay-Z, Kobe Bryant, Chad Ochocinco, Lil Wayne, Dr. Cornell West, Lebron James, Al Sharpton, The black lady on the view, the loudmouth dude from the And 1 mixtape tour, Former wrestler and sharp dancer Koko B. Ware, Obama, nation of Islam leader calypso Louis Farrakhan, Tavis Smiley, American idol's Randy Jackson, and Charles Barkley were busy that day.

Jackson has recently drawn criticism for blindly supporting 6 black youuths in the savage beating of a white teen.  The Jena 6 situation was bad, but the unprovoked attack of a white boy by 6 black youths was uncalled for.  Jackson bused a group of African Americans to Jena, Georgia or wherever the hell Jena is, and began to protest the decision of local officials to arrest the black teens.  Later, it came out that most of the teens had violence issues and previous arrests in their past.  In the end, when the court case focused on the oldest black youth who had the whiteboy on the ground and was stomping his skull, did Jackson admit ridiculous defeat?  No, he said that Jena was a racist town, and the youths would not get a fair trial there.  Uh, 6 Against 1, the 1 was not even guilty of anything or provoking the attack, and was on the ground not fighting back when the black guy started stomping his skull.  Thats a slam dunk case even in SAUDIA ARABIS I bet.

Thene there was the whole DUKE Lacrosse case.  Several white kids hired a black stripper to perform at a party.  She claimed she was raped, and JESSE ran to North Carolina to defend her.  Only this clown gets the Rev AL SHARPTON to join him.  DUKE suspended the athletes for a year, and cancelled the program until a trial could be had.  After the trial, the girl confessed to being a hooker.  Jesse, said, "The whiteboys are still guilty, because all white men have wanted to rape black women through history."  Racial Harmony fail.

To be continued

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