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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Jokey Jokemaker reviews THOR

Hello evildoers,

     It is I, Jokey Jokemaker, here with my review of THOR.  First off, let me say that as an avid collector of old school comic books, avid reader of said comic books, and a moderate to hard-core fan or Norse mythology, my review will be much deeper than the previous review.  I have been waiting for this movie for many years now, and as wild as it seems, the movie met my lofty expectations.  Director Kenneth Brannaugh has done his Shakespearean roots proud.  

     The movie uses the same comic book premise that has made the stories and adventures of THOR universally loved and acclaimed.  THOR, is the God of Thunder, Heir to the Throne of Asgard, most principal of the nine worlds in that realm.  THOR is Impetuous, brash, and quick to anger.  His wise Father, ODIN (Anthony Hopkins)  tries again and again to teach his son the humility and wisdom he will need to lead the people of Asgard.  Odin tries both love and discipline, and finally a banishment to earth.  Odin, has another son, LOKI (Tom Hiddleston), the god of mischief.  He is what THOR is not, slight of build, insanely smart, and a long-range planner.  he is generally seen as second to THOR, and suffers an inferiority complex because of it.

      It is so hard to capture all then the comics have encompassed in a 2 hr film.  The movie does a good job of offering a simple to understand plot, cast of characters, and premise.  Die -hard fans will recognize Bifrost (The Rainbow Bridge), Heimdall (Idris Elba), Laufey (the Frost Giant King)  and Frigga (Renee Russo).  While the concept of THOR being bound to earth and learning what it is to be a human is common, it has traditionally been done with THOR inhabiting the body of a crippled doctor, or the like.  In the movie, they reference this by having THOR being depowered, and claiming to be an amnesiatic researcher.   The movie also depends more heavily on the good son/bad son focal point.  LOKI learns a shocking secret and moves to bring an end to the nine worlds if he cannot rule over them.  THOR, being truly powerless for the first time in his life, must find a way to bring new meaning to the wisdom of his father, and do right by the humans he has grown to admire and respect as equals.  

     In the end, the movie was successful because it relied on some tried and true notions of power, responsibility, sons and fathers, and kick ass fight scenes.  The movie gives you a crash course on THOR, the power struggles that go on around him, and raging within him, and also does a good job of establishing LOKI as a kick ass character, who figures prominently in the formation of the AVENGERS.  It works on a stand-alone level, and on a foundational cannon piece as well.  Go watch it, and at least have an idea of whats going on when it comes to the AVENGERS MOVIE NEXT YEAR (Hint, stay until after the credits).

Jokey Jokemaker
THOR fan

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