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Monday, May 30, 2011


I have written several blogs about varied and well documented ways that Jesse Jackson has failed as a minister, a politician, and a human being.  By far, the Top Failure of Jesse Jackson, and the Jackson  Family as a single cohesive unit, is the Budwieser Distributorship Fiasco.  This move is unprecedented, and can be labeled the single reason that Jesse Jackson, and the Jackson family are still around.  

     Years ago, Jesse Jackson started out as a troublemaker who would go around and accuse businesses of not being diverse enough.  This, in and of itself, was not bad.  I dare to say that if this were his only mission, I might like the dude.  Many businesses had their attention drawn to the need for diversification, and did so accordingly.  However, a strange thing happened.   Jackson, basically became a nuisance to the point that many businesses just paid him to go away.  These were not outright payments, but donations to the Rainbow PUSH org that Jackson embezzles money from.  

     One such example is the fact that the Jackson family own the Budwieser Distributorship in the Wrigley Field area.  The market price at the time at the time was 40M, and once Jackson realized that he could only raise half that, he began to raise the race issue at corporate headquarters.  He gathered investors slowly but surely on his end, and annoyed Budwieser to the point where they took the 20M just to get him the hell away from the corporate office.  All you stupid, stupid Cubs fans are paying Jesse Jackson and his group to drink and watch shitty baseball.  

     Jackson did not stop there.  He slowly and methodically got investors who were not directly tied to Rainbow PUSH bought out/removed from the investment group, and had the Jackson family buy their shares.  This beer money helped pay or Jesse's illegitimate child support, fund the attempted sale of the Senator seat to Jesse Jr, and pay for a political fucking nobody Sandi Jackson to win an aldermanic seat.  The issue is not the shadiness perpetrated by the Jackson family, but rather the extreme hypocrisy that they practice.  These fucks are the same people who march up and down and try to get  cigarettes banned in black neighborhoods.  WHAT ABOUT ALCOHOLISM?  IS THIS NOT AN ISSUE IN BLACK NEIGHBORHOODS?  I sometimes drive by black neighborhoods in the afternoons, and there are always 10-15 fucking guys standing around liquor stores looking like zombies.  Its 1 pm,  are there not better places for them to be?  Is this not an issue for you Jesse?  I guess not, as long as they are democrats.    Jesse, your lies, your deception, and your unscrupulous behavior has led me to hate you and what you stand for.  You outran me once, you won;t be so lucky next time.

The Raving Lunatic


1 comment:

Sho-Nuff said...

These JJ blogs need to be submitted to the Sun Times...