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Friday, May 20, 2011

The ongoing failures of Jesse Jackson

Hello evildoers,

    It is I, The raving lunatic, back share something with you.  I hate Jesse Jackson.  I have met the man several times, and have each time, refused to shake his hand.  My hatred has grown to a ravenous desire to beat the man to a pulp.  Why, just a month or so ago, I was driving near Rainbow PUSH headquarters, and I saw him.  We locked eyes for what seemed like a year.  As i threw my truck into the first available parking spot, he took off like a shot in the opposite direction.  I got within 5 feet of him, but he shirked me and ran behind some big muslim dudes.  I bade them a Salahikum Salaam, and got back in my truck a drove off.      I got to thinking about all the different ways Jesse had failed, and i decided to write this blog.  Now, I will preface it by saying that he has not returned any phone calls or emails, so this is all purely my own highly educated and insanely informed opinion.  I looked for direct quotes and supporting articles wherever I could.

Failure 10)  Grammar Fail

Jesse Jackson made his name with a poem in the late seventies.  "I am SOMEBODY."  I states that although I may  poor, uneducated, and on welfare I am somebody.  Once at a local college, he took a look at the crowd and modified his message a bit.  he said "Repeat after SOMEOBODY!"  English Fail.

Failure 9)  Jew-bashing

"That's all Hymie wants to talk about is Israel. Every time you go to Hymietown that's all they want to talk about"  Hymie Fail.  Washington Post reporter Milton Coleman talking to Jackson (25 January 1984), using an anti-semitic slur. See Coleman (10 April 1984) "A good reporter must put ethics ahead of other considerations" The Milwaukee Journal

Failure 8)  Failed election campaigns.

 This guy was the Donald Trump of his time.  He would run for president as a democrat, threaten to unite the black vote, and then get paid off to endorse the eventual Democratic candidate.  He never ever got close to uniting the black vote, in fact, freakin Barack Obama did not unite the black vote.  What kind of person do you pay to go away after you're done with them?  Thats right, prostitutes.

Failure 7)  The fake tears at the obama inauguration. 

 As I watched this proud country's finest racial harmony moment, I saw in the crowd a Jesse Jackson with tears on his cheeks.  His eyes were not watery or red, his nose was not runny.  He merely has streams of water on his cheeks, and looked for cameras to pretend to ignore.  What made this moment disingenuous was the comments made by Jackson earlier in the campaign of Obama (See below), and his actions in Selma, Georgia.    

Failure 6) Cut his nuts off/N-word double whammy.

See, Barack been, um, talking down to black people on this faith-based... I want to cut his nuts off. Barack, he's talking down to black people.
Jesse Jackson, thinking his mic was off, on Obama's faith-based initiative, while on Fox News Channel;

The Raving Lunatic
political muckraker

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