Shout OUT!

HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

So I always wanted to be a DJ....

yep..the worst kept secret in the world is out. I have always wanted to mix phat beats and do it so hard that people fell off the dance floor exhausted. I always wanted to wear the big headphones with one ear off and blend two seemingly unrelated songs into a a work of art. That was always a goal of mine. Hell, i would try to fade between to tapes in those old school boom boxes and, thought..."THAT WAS THE SHIT!"

So what happened you asked? Well simply, I didnt know where to get started. I had no sense of what I needed to do to make this impossible dream become a reality. I would ask a couple DJs how they got started and they told me about their first decks and how it cost so much money. I never really wanted for anything as a kid, but my fam was pretty on the low income side. Moms would just stretch a dollar until Washington looked like Fat Albert. So thought of asking for equipment that would help me make that 'Garbage music' my dad was so fond of, well it never really jibed. Also, and more importantly, I didnt think I could. Even more important than that, I am the type of cat that would want the diamond tipped needles and the latest deck, despite have no real concept of what the fuck I was doing. Finally, I had my dad to teach me sports, and in particular Baseball.

Over the years I still scooped music and in myhead try to think what went with what. I would hear a song, grip that, then go get every other version of it, IN CASE, one sounded better. Of course I bought the mix tapes/CDs, and now i download them. I will drown out my world with them....dancing away in my chair in my cube.

So here I am a smooth 31, and I have list of shit I have always wanted to do. You know outside of the big ones, like get a new life, raise my son the best way i can, and ensure my ticket to Heaven. I am not promising I am on the road to becoming a DJ, but I will say, i will look into it again. I am sure I am going to suck because, well i have terrible sense of time, but I will say I will try. This brings me to my final point...BIG FUCKING UPS TO my boys who did it or at least tried. Damn, that had to be rough buying all that shit, hoping you would be good. I don't know where u got the stones, but good work. This is why i have mad respect for anyone who can do things I can't or didnt do.

So, Miggy Migs (Trancid), Carlos Feliciano, Victor Salazar, Dave Macias (DJ Cratebug), serious big ups to you all. Keep doing what you do, while I jam out to your beats. Raf...u just do what u do...

i'm with the DJ

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