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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Only Thing You'd Lead is a Trip to the Tampon Station.

The NFC Title game this past Sunday has caused much controversy. People questioning Jay Cutler's toughness and leadership ability has been brought to the forefront. Is Jay capable mentally and physically of leading the Chicago Bears to the promised land?

Jay is a quitter. He is a poor leader. He did not drag his ass out onto that field and finish the game. What a pussy.

Comparisons to Michael Jordan, Brett Favre and other great team leaders throughout the years have been made.

Newsflash people!!! Michael Jordan is a quitter. He quit his basketball profession in 1993, in the prime of his career, because of the death of his father.

What a leader. Quits the game just because someone passed away. Couldn’t even muster the heart to throw himself back on the court.

One day after his father passed Brett Favre decided to play in a Monday night game against the Oakland Raiders. He didn't do much. He threw for 399 yards and four touchdowns and as we all know played many more years to come. There’s a leader. He didn't quit just because his father died.

In the first game of the 2009-2010 season versus Green Bay Brian Urlacher injured his wrist and had to have surgery as a result. The rest of the season he watched from the sidelines cheering and jeering his team as he watched them struggle to a record of 7-9.

Where’s your leadership skills Brian? You are a Defensive Captain!

He could have strapped a big ass cast on and played a few games later. He decided to not play and not be a leader and watch from the sidelines. Watching as his beloved coach fought for every win in an attempt to keep his position as head coach of the Chicago Bears.

In 1985 Ronnie Lott had the bone in the tip of his pinky finger shattered. He continued to play the remainder of the game and actually played in a playoff game before having the tip of the finger amputated during the offseason. That’s a leader!

Jake Peavy detached his latissimus dorsi on July 6 and missed the remainder of the season for the Chicago White Sox.

July 6!!!! The season goes through October! We were in a run for the division title and you couldn't come back because a muscle in your throwing arm was completely detached! You were supposed to contend to be the ace of the Chicago White Sox and you couldn’t play? Chump!

Jim Abbott was born without a right hand. He became a pitcher in Major League Baseball and pitched a no hitter for the New York Yankees on September 4, 1993. No right hand Jake!!!

During Lovie Smith’s 7 year run he has amassed a record of 66-52. Lovie has been to the NFC title game twice and the Super Bowl once but has not yet won a ring. That’s because he is a quiet little girl who doesn’t show any fire or passion on the sidelines. Lovie has one, maybe two Hall of Fame players playing for him during their prime. You call yourself a leader!?!? Only 14 games over .500 with hardly anything to work with and a carousel of QB’s. Pfft.

“Iron” Mike Ditka coached the Chicago Bears for over a decade. During his first full seven years his coaching record was 81-39. See what fire and passion brings you! 15 more wins and a Super Bowl title baby! He was only a Hall of Famer himself, had three hall of Fame players on his team, a defensive coach who was ahead of his time with the 4-6 defense, bad asses like Richard Dent, Gary Fencik, Wilbur Marshall, Tom Thayer and so on and so on. Lovie wouldn’t do jack with this type of quality on his team and the laxed rules the NFL had 25 years ago. When Coach took his talents to New Orleans he ended up with a 15-33 record! See how that translates Lovie! Fire and Passion equates to winning!!!

Brett Favre, Michael Jordan, Peyton Manning and Tom Brady are special people readers. Jay is not one of them.

But neither was Trent Dilfer, Brad Johnson, Doug Williams, Jeff Hostetler, and the list can go on and on. Both winning and losing Super Bowl quarterbacks. Jay has the POTENTIAL to be on either side.

As fans we have the right to question everything. But for any of us to question the types of leaders they are is plain foolish. “Oh, but he made that face on the sideline and doesn’t look interested.” Maybe dude had to take a dump. Or, maybe that is just his demeanor. Unless we suit up with them or hear otherwise from their teammates we need to all shut the fuck up about who is or is not a leader.

Olin Kreutz, infamous for breaking the jaw of fellow lineman Fred Miller, is known as the Bulldog and fearless leader of the Chicago Bears offensive line said, “I didn’t think he was going to even finish the half. Then when he came out and tried it again [in the third quarter]; that amazed me. If you don’t have an MCL injury or whatever, then you don’t understand. It’s easy to question people from your couch, but it’s really stupid.”

Go up to Olin and question him about what he said. I dare you.


iz3y! said...

Jordan QUIT AFTER HE WON Championship #3 and was clearly the best ever. Urlacher COULDNT PLAY because othe tendons and nerves in his hand were destroyed. Not a tear...DESTROYED. You can try to make a point...just make sure that ground ur using is stable

I am Jack's Colon said...

doesn't matter. Jordan is still a quitter. could have won 8 in a row. but QUIT.

plenty of other players have had clubs put on and still went out there to play.

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

Other Famous Quitters:
Mike Hampton - Pitcher MLB
Allan Houston - Guard NBA
Jamarcus Russel - QB NFL
Scottie Pippen - Fwd NBA