Shout OUT!

HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I asked for anger and outrage, and i freakin got it.  Jared Lee Laughtner tried to kill a bunch of politicians in AZ., because he felt the system had failed him.  The millitary reportededly rejected him for mentasl instability, when he complained, they told him to take it up with his local politician.  WHO THE FUCK DID NOT SEE THAT COMING?

The details were part of criminal complaint filed against 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner, the Tucson man now charged in Saturday's bloodbath at a supermarket where U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was hosting an open house for constituents. Investigators found a letter from the congresswoman in a safe at the house where Loughner lived with his parents, thanking him for attending a similar 2007 event, a federal agent's affidavit states.Among the dea are a federal judge, and some other democrats.

Roll is the fourth federal judge killed since 1979, when District Judge John Wood was slain in a contract killing outside his Texas home. In 1988, District Judge Richard Daronco of New York was killed by the father of a plaintiff whose case the judge had dismissed; and in 1989, Circuit Judge Robert Vance was killed by a mail bomb sent to his Alabama home by a man prosecutors said had a grudge against the appellate court on which Vance sat. In addition, the husband and mother of District Judge Joan Lefkow were killed in their Chicago home in 2005. A man who committed suicide two weeks later in Wisconsin left a note confessing to the killings, blaming a judgment against him in a malpractice case for the loss of his house, job and family, police said.

I fear that this event will result in politicians getting rid of all their friends, and listening soley to their puppetmaster for fear of being killed by angrered civilians.  This is pretty much the plotline for George Orwell's animal farm.   What they do not know is that if they hang out together, it makes them a more convenient target for people looking to do them harm. They should SPLIT UP, for their own safety. 

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