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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Jay Cutler is not the answer at QB for DA BEARS

Take it from someone who has played at the lowest levels of football and is therefore an expert at the position: Jay Cutler is NOT the answer at QB for the Bears. I'll break down the reasons shortly, but it doesn't matter who you surround him with at receiver, who you put in front of him on the offensive line and who you have calling the plays on the sideline, the guy is NOT going to take his team to the mountain top. And here's why:

1) He has TERRIBLE (said in a mix of Charles Barkley and Stephen A. Smith) mechanics. For every Brett Farve and Bernie Kosar there are ton's more Jeff George's throughout the history of the league--they're just so not memorable that I can't list them here. The point is that an NFL QB can't simply rely on his arm strength to make consistent and accurate throws. We here commentators say this all the time and it's true--look at the accuracy ANY quarterback has when he has time in the pocket to throw. Which leads to my next point...

2) Sure the Bears O-Line was the worst pass blocking O-line in football. Cutler was sacked 54 times this season, some his own fault, others because the line sucked. But Peyton Manning and Tom Brady had to endure injuries to their offensive lines this season as well. (More on those gentlemen in a minute). In fact, poor offensive line play plagued many teams at different points this season--even the Green Bay Packers (just ask anyone who played in a fantasy league where sacks count as negative points). You could put Cutler behind some of the leagues best offensive lines (San Diego, New Orleans) and you'd still have a problem. Speaking of which...

3) It wouldn't matter who Cutler threw to. Manning had to throw to Reggie Wayne and guys from the stands this season. Brady hasn't had a "#1 receiver" his entire time in New England with the exception of Randy Moss. Wes Fuckin Welker is his favorite target. Phillip Rivers continued to put up good numbers without Vincent Jackson and Anotonio Gates. Good quarterbacks make receivers better--just ask Pierre Garcon. Good receivers can definitely make a mediocre QB look good--it happened in both Detroit and Dallas this season--but that's rare. So the fact that Devin Hester and Johnny Knox aren't "#1 receivers" is a good point, but even if they were John Taylor and Jerry Rice Cutler would still fail.

4) And it wouldn't matter who was calling the plays or what system he plays in. The key to success in any offense is accuracy and consistency, two things which Cutler doesn't bring to the table. In fact he may actually take them OFF the table. He's certainly mobile and faster than he looks which work in his favor. Two strengths never really exploited in Chicago. He was so successful in Denver because the field was cut in half, his reads were made simpler and he could move--which is why Donovan failed in DC under Cutler's old coach (because he doesn't move as well anymore). He simply doesn't have the right mix of tools to succeed in any system I've ever seen the Bears run (which isn't saying much considering Erik Kramer is the Bears all time leader in QB rating). Which brings me to my last reason...

5) Cutler is not a leader of men. At least it doesn't seem this way from the outside looking in. The way his team rallied around him after the game on 1/23 you would think Cutler is the best teammate in the world. They say all the right things. They've even elected him captain--before he even took a snap in a Bears uniform. So perhaps I'm wrong about this one. The only thing to do is to compare him against other successful leaders at his position and see if he even matches up. To a person, everyone in New Orleans would take a bullet for Drew Brees. I mean the ENTIRE CITY OF NEW ORLEANS. Never mind the Superbowl ring he brought them--the guy is an amazing story period. He's inspiring and works his butt off to inspire others. Brady inspires his team which is full of guys just like him--glossed over in the draft, no one things they can succeed--and has 3 Superbowl rings to show for it. Big Ben hooks his guys up with hot college chicks and is working on his third ring. Phillip Rivers backs up his trash talk and wills his team to victory at times. And NO ONE who has ever played with Manning can claim to have outworked him--and that commands respect.

From the outside looking in, Cutler doesn't have Manning's work ethic. If he did, his mechanical flaws would have been fixed. Cutler is a former first round draft pick so he's cocky--not playing with a chip on his shoulder like Brady. Cutler is from Santa Claus, IN--does he even know any hot bitches like Big Ben (who is not afraid to travel far and wide to find them)? And he doesn't seem to be as competitive as Phillip Rivers, who developed a rep in college as having a Larry Bird-esque competitive streak. (Yes I used Larry Legend because Phillip Rivers is white).

And NO ONE in Chicago would lend Jay Cutler $5 let alone take a bullet for him like N'awlins would do for Brees. Is Cutler rebuilding dilapidated homes on the souf side? Is he opening up children's wings of hospitals? is he donating crazy loot to his alma mater? If he is, is it because of contractual obligation or because he actually feels a sense of responsibility to do so since, you know, he's been blessed with talent and money?

I'm sorry to break it to the city of Chicago, but as long as #6 is the QB, this city won't be Superbowl Shuffling. And until the Bears get someone Payton, Jordan or even Rose-esque at the QB position, it'll stay that way.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't know much about football but sounds about right. The guy is too introverted and can't think outside the box.