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Monday, January 17, 2011

How FB redefined humanity

I was having a discussion over the summer with a colleague of mine over FB. His contention was that we havent done jack shit in the last decade to improve technology and in turn the human condition. He went on to pontificate that the GOOGLE revolution and the MICROSOFT evolution were things of the past. He basically sized up humanity for extinction because we no longer are striving to do shit except change our statuses on FaceBook, friend up people to join their mafia's, and post pix of embarrassing moments that used to remain relatively private.

IT was a great argument if you were person who never picked up a computer or your name is Sarah Palin, but it just didnt hold water. Nope...i had to interject. isnt only about tech. Tech while being digital still has a living organic component to it. It is a parasite and we are the fleshy fools who fuel it.

Nowadays lives are being defined at and i know i am not telling anyone anything they already didnt know. You are prolly reading this from FB and have already had ur fill of info for the hour. Newpapers, blogs, street corner criers, have no chance against the pull of Facebook. One of my co-workers told me once that if it is not on Facebook it didnt really happen or it wasn't that important to begin with. Think about that and then remember how you heard about the lastest tragedy or other big news. FB statuses made me turn on the news to find out about the shooting in AZ. Say i am out of touch or that i need better reading material if you want, but you can't deny that reach and the intricate bonds we have formed.

Friendship is now defined by a very public and digital contract. If your friend doesnt have an account u wonder if they have a brain. If you two are not friended up then you are not really friends. If you DEFRIEND a person...well you might as well brick their windows and shit on their carpet. Relationships have stepped it to another level using it as a beacon to signal to chickenheads that this profile...this HUMAN is off limits. People check their significant others profile page 5 minutes after they start going out and every hour after to see when that person thinks their relationship is official. Telling people is no longer need to be FB OFFICIAL.

Google advanced searching the web, then the internet "cloud" computing idea, and still tries to reinvent and reimagine every aspect of the computing experience. Microsoft and Apple do the same, and then there are millions of programmers around the world hoping to hit the next big thing or the next hot item that will take humanity to another level. This is what my friend wants to hear, but i have to break his heart and tell him...all those people have FB accounts. They are part of this wave of tech evolution and integration....we are on the GRID and again i am not telling you nothing you don't already know. I am just pointing out what you take for granted. This phase of tech evolution is the INTEGRATION...we are becoming the borg. "Resistance is futile!"

I am off to get my FB chip implant...wait no has produced that yet....



JokeyJokemaker316 said...

700 Pics SON!

Rebecca Mills said...

Where would the world be without FB, blogging, MSN, Yahoo, etc? How would some families keep in contact with each other without Skype? We would still be chuntering along as we did in the 70s without email and mobile (cell) phones. I am a child of the 60's embracing the advances of the 21st century and loving them all. I really, really, really want an iPad, Kindle, 4G phone, Wii ...