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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Monday, August 2, 2010

jack and jill walk up the hill...

so, we are all familiar with that story. Jack goes up the hill...Jill goes with him to fetch a pail of water... Now, i dont remember anything that says he bent Jill over the water well and went to town on her sweet ass. Nor do I remember Jill asking Jack to give his opinion on her BJ technique then dropping to her knees to show him what she learned from watching REAL SEX on HBO.

The point of my rant today is "Men and Women CAN just be friends!" Yes, friends as in, talk, eat lunch, hang out after work and have drinks. You know, friend shit. Jack and Jill be friends and not just the early stages of Fuck Buddies. And yes, i will address the loud women in the back of the room shaking their heads, and saying shit .."no no no...all he want to do is get you in bed sweetie...Watch out for his penis!" Oh wait..there are guys mixed in as worries.. I will explain it all to you.

Grow up people! Friends can be just friends unless they CHOOSE to be something else. See, you can choose to be an upstanding citizen or go rampaging around stealing shit. You can choose to be a good person, or act like an asshole and hate people based on the color of their skin. YOU CAN MOST CERTAINLY CHOOSE TO BE FRIENDS WITH SOMEONE EVEN OF THE OPPOSITE SEX. Just because they have the genitalia that you desire to play with does not mean you have to play with it. It is a choice people. Now are there factors that can cloud your choice....SURE! Alcohol, drugs, Barry White and low lit room, all will make your choice fuzzy, but that goes for anything else in life. Shit, PCP made Rodney King a rampaging maniac who got his ass beat for his troubles. I have seen my fair share of people explode with 'personality' once they got some alcohol in them. I have seen people transform into the incredible hulk filled with PURPLE RAGE, when day to day they are sweet mild mannered people. People choose to be something until they are either influenced or they choose to be something else.

It is a choice. If people agree to be friends, they can be. Men and Women can go out and have fun and no porno scenes need to be filmed. Men and Women can talk and there is nothing that says they have to be any more than that, as long as they are honest about being friends. If you they are lying to themselves, or one person is not honest, well that is something entirely different, and at some point Jack will be doing more than walking up the hill with Jill.

Btw...I am entirely aware that the jealous psycho set of girlfriends/boyfriends/husbands/wives just flagged me for writing this CHEATER's MANIFESTO, but fuck you. I know for a fact that you suspicious muthafuckas think EVERYONE wants to sleep with your property, and that your property can only live in your shadow of protection. I am not trying to talk sense into your fucking warped mind, instead...this is for you. Your property is fucking someone else..and they love it. They enjoy the fact that you suspect them, and they enjoy the fact they are still doing it DESPITE all your crazy psycho intervention. Now go do something stupid to entertain me.


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