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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The United Kingdom of America? Has a nice ring to it...

A while back I suggested that monarchies perhaps weren't such a bad idea. Some said "how retarded. Why would we want to vest so much power in one person? Who would select the king? What would stop them from becoming a tyrant?" Well I say why not? America is already the worlds most imperialistic nation. So without further adieu, I present to you my blueprint for monarchy in America.

I figure we have two options: Enlightened absolutism, or a Constitutional Monarchy. Since Constitutional Monarchies are already somewhat popular (for those that retain monarchs) let's go with Enlightened absolutism for the moment.

Enlightened absolutism is a form of monarchy that retains power in a single office, but the source of that power is that the individual has a social contract with the people to protect them. Free speech, the right to own property and many other "freedoms" we enjoy currently are all part of that contract. Whatever is in the best interest of the people in order for the kingdom to prosper is what would be the source of power for the monarch. Freedom of speech, religion, rights to privacy--all swell so long as it doesn't threaten the kingdom, or the monarch's majesty. As soon as they break that social contract--the economy collapses for example--then the monarch is ousted, and their line of succession broken.

Choosing the monarch may yet be difficult but hopefully made easier by the following criteria:

- be a natural born citizen of the United States
- be a descendant of a former U.S. President
- have a post-graduate education, preferably a law degree
- have no criminal history
- be at least 35 years of age

So, if any of George Washington's relatives are still alive, have no criminal background, have a post-grad degree and are over 35 they get first crack. No one there, we move on to Adams, Jefferson, and so forth.

States and representatives would be abolished, and the various territories with their various interests (now called states) would be turned into commonwealths, with each one headed by a regent chosen by the monarch using similar (if not the same)criteria. Each regent/monarch would be succeeded by its own issue/heirs unless for some reason the social contract with the kingdom is proven broken.

The Supreme Courts (one for the kingdom, several for each commonwealth) would remain to determine if the monarchs and regents are keeping their social contract. The people would be allowed to bring suit in court against the crown and its regents in an effort to prove the crown has failed the people.

There's a reason no country does this you say--it doesn't work. I say holla at me if Sarah Palin becomes the next president of the United States.


His majesty in waiting,


JokeyJokemaker316 said...

We all saw how it worked for the Bushes..........IDEA FAIL.

Sho-Nuff said...

The Bushes weren't enlightened...completely new idea